- Mubadala的630MW海上风电场在泰晤士河河口爆发首次。
- OTPP喜欢“私人标签咸零食“足以买到一个让他们的公司。毫米剧院......咸零食。
- 斐济国家养老基金赢得了奖项......然后得到抨击在媒体中。
- 纳米比亚的GIPF有学到了昂贵的课程如何(不)建立私募股权费表。
- 挪威的主权基金奖项为中小型韩国经理提供3亿美元的任务。
- 我认为这篇新的论文“众筹“非常有趣。这是一些模糊:“本文旨在为企业融资景观中的新出现实践提供现存知识:众筹,这似乎对企业家项目的种子融资发挥着越来越重要的作用。”
- 这篇论文现代金融的增长非常出色。这是一个模糊:
“The U.S. financial services industry grew from 4.9% of GDP in 1980 to 7.9% of GDP in 2007. A sizeable portion of the growth can be explained by rising asset management fees, which in turn were driven by increases in the valuation of tradable assets, particularly equity. Another important factor was growth in fees associated with an expansion in household credit, particularly fees associated with residential mortgages. This expansion was itself fueled by the development of non-bank credit intermediation (or “shadow banking”). We offer a preliminary assessment of whether the growth of active asset management, household credit, and shadow banking – the main areas of growth in the financial sector – has been socially beneficial.”