


马里兰州Bethesda的ProShares已经在美国的第一个ETF推出了来自非U.S的美元计价的债券。银行- 它的新USD债券ETF,该债券ETF于5月23日在Ticker Symbol Cobo下开始交易。


加拿大仍然是AAA国家,这对银行浮动AAA覆盖债券的能力是重要的。Because covered bonds are collateralized — backed by dedicated pools of loans that remain on the banks’ balance sheets — and they’re also collateralized at slightly more than 100 percent, as a cushion against defaults, the bonds are typically rated AAA, even when the issuing banks are a notch or two lower. But there’s one big caveat: The sovereign rating of the issuing bank’s country also has to be AAA.

ProShares董事长兼首席执行长萨皮尔(Michael Sapir)说,这只ETF的投资组合全部是AAA级的,主要针对加拿大的银行,以及澳大利亚、瑞典和英国等AAA级国家的银行发行的其他一些债券。

覆盖债券的概念于1770年出生于普鲁士。此时,欧洲贷款资金制度不同,银行在发出有涵盖的债券时持有贷款 - 又称额外的系统证券化。在美国,由于Fannie Mae和Freddie Mac的保证,常规成为资产负债表证券化,银行将贷款销售成准备的二级市场。

即使在2008年的金融危机之前,还有努力使用所涵盖的债券模型重塑美国市场的证券化,这被认为是更保守的,因为银行将贷款保持在书籍上,因此在游戏中有“皮肤。”。这些努力采取了危机的新紧迫性,但到目前为止,证券业无法获得国会立法,使美国银行能够发布债券。障碍是FDIC,这对资产在银行破产之后对投资者的资产有所担忧 - 这一切都是因为游泳池包括FDIC可能希望获得支付的额外资产储存家。

There has been a lot of negotiation between the FDIC and the securities industry, but the latest bill in Congress, introduced in both the House and the Senate last year, has not gone anywhere, and it’s not likely to go anywhere for the balance of this year, says a securities industry source, who asked not to be named. That is because, with the election on the horizon, Congress is now in lame-duck mode, he says.

Meanwhile, in 2010, a covered bond market started to develop in the U.S., with investment bankers bringing foreign-bank-covered bonds into the U.S. as Rule 144A private placements with the expectation that one day, U.S. banks would be able to issue covered bonds in their own market and that the time was right to start educating investors about covered bonds and how they work.



