SEC而不是批准或拒绝批准或拒绝这个想法,在7月11日之前决定寻求另一轮评论纳斯达克和纽约ARCA(以前称为群岛电子交易所)的试点项目。在它的83页订单提供了诉讼程序决定是否批准或不批准拟议的试点- 上周四发布在SEC的网站上 - 第二部分问题询问有关具体点的更多输入。“他们正在关键问题,”一个要求不被命名的来源说。
July 11 was the 90-day mark for the Nasdaq’s proposal, and while the SEC had until August 14 to respond to NYSE Arca, it decided to consider both proposals with a joint order — a suggestion made by Vanguard, the mutual fund and ETF sponsor headquartered in Valley Forge, Pennsylvania, which filed separate comment letters on both proposals.
Vanguard董事总经理兼首席投资官Gus Sauter在一封评论信中表示:“由于这两项提议都提出了类似的监管问题,即允许发行人向做市商支付款项的适当范围,我们认为,sec应同时考虑这两项提议,而不是将其孤立考虑。”但这两家交易所对试点方案的架构非常不同,证交会表示,它也将分别进行评估。
SEC的命令于7月17日在《联邦纪事报》(Federal Register)上公布,30天的新评议期由此开始。虽然这一期限可以稍微延长一点,但美国证券交易委员会采取最终行动的法定截止日期目前已落在10月初至12月初之间。
Clearly, it’s a different world now, but it’s also a different market environment because with the full implementation of the National Market System, “everything became electronic,” and that “whittled away” at the economic incentives specialists in equities and lead market makers in ETFs once enjoyed as an offset to the risks they took in financing inventory and in maintaining tight bid/ask spreads, notes John Hyland, the chief investment officer at the United States Commodity Funds of Alameda, California and the chairman of the newly launched National ETF Association. By now, lead market makers “really are not getting much of a benefit,” he says, adding “it’s a puzzle as to how you solve the problem without going backwards five, ten years.”
在Question No. 11, the SEC noted that one commentator (and yes, it’s Vanguard) questioned whether ETF sponsors would end up being forced into a “pay to play” environment, where they would have to cough up the additional payment to get a new ETF launched, or even to “maintain quality markets” in their existing ETFs. In asking for further comments on this point, the SEC asked: “Will market makers gravitate to the ETPs [exchange-traded products] that participate and avoid those that do not participate, potentially rendering nonparticipating ETPs as funds with diminished market making activity? Under this scenario, even if the programs have the desired effect of enhancing market quality for participating ETPs, might they have the unintended effect of diminishing market quality (widening spreads and limiting book depth) in nonparticipating ETPs?”
在纳斯达克提案上的评论信中,Vanguard指出,纳斯达克拟议的资格标准将允许任何每日交易量的ETF,高达200万股参加。暗示秒可能希望考虑较低的交易量门槛与飞行员的目标更加符合飞行员的目标以及公众利益,先锋指出,截至2012年3月31日(并非全部)存在的1,226个ETFwhich are listed on Nasdaq), well over 90 percent would meet Nasdaq’s proposed eligibility requirements.