

最近的模式表明,常规的黄金或多或少地与风险资产呈正相关 - 但不一致。

The price of gold has just risen to a five-month high in response to fears about U.S. inflation, defying those gold skeptics who say that as a conventional investment, it falls at the first hurdle: Investors cannot agree on how to begin calculating its underlying value.

对黄金公允价值的估计 - 资产价格往往恢复的内在价值 - 目前因略高于400美元至约10,000美元而异。两者都远非周五收盘1,685美元。

400美元左右的价格是通过观察金的平均价格,2012年以来,自1900年以来 - 将原始价格乘以通胀率在今天的术语中达到价格。At the other end of the extreme, $10,000 is the very approximate price for gold if all U.S. dollars in circulation, physically or virtually, were backed by the amount of gold held in the vaults of the Federal Reserve, under the strictest of monetary regimes based on the gold standard. The figure is reached by dividing the value of the dollars by the number of ounces held.


尽管如此,大多数投资者将在这两个数字之间的某个地方进行金额的公允价值 - 如果他们同意可以为资产建立公允价值,这与股票或债券不同,不得产生可作为起始的收入流任务点。One method of valuation that would put the price of gold not far from last week’s close would be the commonly quoted ratio between gold and oil, though the flaw in this method is that it can give a misleading signal about gold’s over- or undervaluation if short-term speculation has pushed the price of oil far off its fair value. Since 1900, an ounce of the yellow metal has on average bought about 13 barrels of the black gold. At the close of the week ending August 31, it would have bought almost 15 barrels of Brent crude oil.

投资者对公允价值持怀疑态度,更多地集中在相关性,基于历史倾向的历史趋势基于历史倾向,特别是担心全球经济的未来 - 特别是如果该未来可能包括高通货膨胀 - 并跌倒因为那些害怕消退。


即使在允许周五的困境之后,由于预期上升,美国联邦储备金董事长本伯南克很快就遵循了美国经济的第三个,通胀转移量的量化宽松,黄金在3月以来的一个非常狭窄的范围内交易。尽管有一些心脏停止令人担忧的全球经济戏剧 - 最重要的是,康复的前期金币期货交易属未能超过1,700美元或低于1,500美元 - 最重要的是谈论欧元区可能分手。即使在上周崛起的黄金价格之后,它仍然低于2011年纪录的12%,标本高1,912美元。许多黄金公牛被困惑和挫败了。

One possible explanation for gold’s rather bored response to news that in previous times would have moved the price more vigorously is the "pause for breath" argument: that after a breakneck advance in the three years to its 2011 peak, gold is consolidating its gains, prior to a likely move back upwards. “The rally has been long, and gold has paused not collapsed,” says HSBC Bank.



