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The Oxford academic and Los Alamos alum says the insights of classical and behavioral finance can be much refined by using computers to simulate how real people act — and interact — when making economic decisions.

Future of Finance

Finance theory continues to develop beyond the traditional academic precincts of rational expectations and efficient markets, with the latest innovations来自心理学、神经科学和生物学.

J。多因·法默is making his mark by thinking outside the box as well. Farmer is a professor of mathematics at the University of Oxford and a director of the program on complexity economics at the Institute for New Economic Thinking. Additionally, he is an external professor at the Santa Fe Institute, a private, nonprofit research organization. But Farmer was originally trained as a physicist. In the 1980s he worked at the Los Alamos National Laboratory, home of the Manhattan Project, where scientific luminaries like J. Robert Oppenheimer and Richard Feynman once plied their trade. At Los Alamos Farmer founded the Complex Systems Group in the theoretical division.

In 1991, he co-founded the Prediction Company, a quantitative trading firm about which University of Chicago professor and architect of the Efficient Market Hypothesis Eugene Fama said: “Prediction Company’s chance of success is not zero, but close to it.” The firm would prove Fama wrong, however, and was purchased by Swiss banking giant UBS in 2005.

At the Santa Fe Institute, Farmer is looking for laws in financial markets that can help explain what drives the stability and performance of the banking system.

在他的职业生涯中,Farmer与麻省理工学院斯隆管理学院金融学教授Andrew Lo(他的适应性市场假说试图通过进化生物学的应用使Fama的假说与人类行为的现实相协调)和耶鲁大学经济学教授John合作他是经济学一般均衡分支的著名贡献者。


This work requires gathering and coding an enormous amount of data and creating a library of information of sorts from which to simulate interactions of agents in financial markets. Farmer’s background in dynamical systems theory, time-series prediction and chaos theory coupled with his newer work with complex systems and financial economics has aided him in his effort to simulate and analyze the individual actions of and interactions between agents on a marketwide basis.


亚博赞助欧冠Reporter Ben Baris spoke with Farmer about his work and agent-based modeling.


Farmer: The basic principles of how you make a good model are not that different in economics or biology. Time-series forecasting gave me a lot of exposure to real-world problems in a lot of different domains, so it means I know a little about a lot.

What is the problem with the way most economists approach finance?

They are still very closed to any way of thinking abouttheories for the economythat don’t satisfy the straitjacket of the neoclassical approach. A lot of things need to be brought in from outside economics — ironically, a lot of things from physics. Physics is a very empirical field, where any crazy idea can be proposed, and if it works, it will get respect; whereas in economics, there’s a view that all theories have to come from a certain set of basic postulates. If your theory isn’t about individuals selfishly maximizing their preferences, then its not even considered a theory in economics. I think an awful lot of what happens in the economy doesn’t have anything to do with individuals selfishly maximizing their preferences.

假设这是复杂的systems come into play, can you explain what they are and how they work?

我们称之为复杂的系统 - 大脑,社会,免疫系统,生态系统 - 由许多互相互动的小部分组成。使复杂系统成为一个关键的东西是它显示出于组件本身的行为不明显的紧急行为。一个神经元可能在某种意义上是一系列复杂的系统,而是真正了解大脑如何工作,你必须真正了解当你有数十亿个相互作用的神经元时会发生什么,并且必须了解那些相互作用的神经元的紧急性质。



But what is there to learn if markets are efficient?






Successes are out there, and I think they illustrate this paradox because while firms make a lot of money, they do so typically in a situation where the statistical fluctuations are still significant, or they, in modern times, do something like high frequency trading where they have to put a really big investment and a lot of serious effort into computer infrastructure.

What do you think about the work done by the behavioral finance field?

