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在国际上,更多的投资者有接触exico’s currency than ever before. The biggest draw is that, unlike many other emerging-markets currencies, the peso is readily convertible.


纽约梅隆银行纽约高级货币战略师Michael Woolfolk Michael Woolfolk说:“更多人接触到墨西哥比索。”“墨西哥正在成为南方的加拿大而不是一个关键的拉丁美洲货币。”

Several things make the peso attractive. Its biggest draw is that it’s readily convertible, unlike many other emerging-markets currencies. Mexico’s investment-grade credit rating appeals to fund managers that are prohibited from investing in lower-grade debt. And investors can buy over-the-counter peso forwards that settle in pesos, whereas Chinese renminbi and South Korean won forwards are nondeliverable and settle in dollars. Under the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, trading nondeliverable forwards will get much tougher because only certain dealers will be allowed to do so, and the peso will be even more desirable.

其他诱惑比索:墨西哥不施加任何资本控制。相比之下,巴西政府通过征税的投资,这是对真实需求的障碍进行税收的蓄水。墨西哥债券作为货币自由交易。“许多想要对新兴市场债务表达观点的投资者正在选择墨西哥市场,”伦敦布朗兄弟哈里曼·斯科德公司的新兴 - 市场货币战略家伊兰索多说。

With its benchmark overnight interest rate steady at 4.5 percent for the past two years, Solot says, Mexico presents a good opportunity for the carry trade, in which investors borrow low-yielding currencies like the U.S. dollar and buy higher-yielding debt of another country. Ten-year Mexican bonds now offer an interest rate of 5.8 percent.





墨西哥的经济基本面 - 产量在前一年的第二季度扩大了4.1%,通货膨胀以4.57%的温和率运行 - 表明比索应该比它更强大,Meschoulam增加了。基于巴黎的经济合作和发展组织将比索作为世界上最低价于购买力平价的估价之一:64,与美国美元相比。“很多这是因为比索被交易商用作对冲,因此货币的国际化可能会加剧比索的负面表现,”Meschoulam说。

In late September the peso was trading at 12.86 to the U.S. dollar. It has gained some 7 percent against the greenback this year because developments in Europe have encouraged investors to take on more emerging-markets risk. There are also domestic reasons for the rebound. The peso’s relatively low value means labor costs in Mexico are now competitive with those in China, and more manufacturing is moving there, revving up the economy. Adding good market access to those fundamentals enhances the peso’s appeal.

“亚洲新兴市场一直是更有弹性的,但比索真的是雷尔曼时代后拉姆货币的明星,”BNY Mellon的Woolfolk说。“如果你想投资国际新兴市场,你必须有一块墨西哥。”
