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Comparisons Between U.S. and Japan Are Overstated

The U.S. should be able to avoid a Japan-style lost decade. Europe, however, won't be so lucky.


When considering a future of slow economic growth and low nominal interest rates, and particularly one that resulted largely from the bursting of a property price bubble and increasing debt levels, it’s natural to want to turn to the past 20 years in Japan to think about economic lessons for other developed countries today.


当我们比较美国和日本的核心CPI和10-year government bond yields, using an 11-year lag (U.S. beginning in 1991 and Japan in 1980), the metrics follow a remarkably similar trajectory. At the same time, the governments of both countries saw budgetary balances that appeared to be on similar paths, and the velocity of money in both countries’ economies (US beginning in 1995 and Japan in 1984) also followed a similar (downward sloping) path. On this latter similarity, both Japanese and US banking sector balance sheets were impaired largely by real estate-related holdings and today higher capital requirements and a higher cost of funding may keep money velocity growth muted for some time. Finally, as Japan’s asset price bubble deflated in the 1990s the country’s labor market saw a doubling in the use of temporary workers (to near 6.5 percent of the labor force), which then remained at this high level for more than a decade. The U.S. has also seen a marked uptick in the use of temporary labor (yet still only 1.9 percent of the work force overall) since 2009, and we’ve argued previously that this cost-containing measure may become a more permanent feature of our labor markets as well.


Figure 1: Percent Cumulative Labor Force Growth (ages 15-64)
More Favorable for the US



Rick Rieder是Blackrock的固定收入的首席投资官,基本投资组合。
