Mario Draghi的月度货币政策新闻发布会周四举行,作为一个有用的排练,因为它可能是一个有可能是一个明显的神经 - 詹林经验 - 他的10月24日在德国议会面前的外表,向立法者放心他的新债券购买计划。
The first — that the creation of new money to buy these bonds could, gradually but inexorably, create hyperinflation and render the euro worthless — is understandable in a country that suffered this fate in the 1920s. The 1920s crisis was a repeat — in a more extreme form — of the inflation crisis of the 1760s, when Frederick the Great of Prussia debased the currency to pay for the Seven Years War. Breakneck inflation is a deep-rooted fear.
德拉奇表示,他预计经济活动“在近期仍然弱势,此后只逐步恢复。”他补充说,通货膨胀 - 目前的价格为2.7% - 将其占据高于欧洲央行可接受的2% - 明年下降至2%低于2%。此外,如果“金融市场紧张局势”遭受比预期更难的欧元区经济增长,那么它可能比预期的预期更低。因此,德国噩梦场景的失控通货膨胀是可以理解但不太可能的。
On Thursday he insisted it was “essential that governments continue to implement the necessary steps to reduce both fiscal and structural imbalances and proceed with financial sector restructuring measures.” Moreover, the ECB would exit OMT programs not only “once their objectives have been achieved,” but also “when there is a failure to comply with a program” — abandoning bond purchases if countries do not stick to their side of the bargain.
The first is that he is being too strict and that this strict policy is dooming financial markets for perhaps the rest of the decade to the regular bouts of panic and euphoria that have governed them since the euro zone crisis began last year. This is predicated on two propositions. One is that the peripheral economies can endure the extreme fiscal detox that the ECB prescribes. The other is that, should a government apply for OMT assistance, Draghi will never turn off the tap. As a result of these doubts, critics say, investors will continue to price in a hefty risk premium on peripheral bonds.
纽约的Penso顾问负责人Aribergmann建议尾巴风险事件的机构投资者,说,如果Draghi同意与西班牙的直接货币交易计划亚博赞助欧冠 - 分析师作为最可能的申请人看到 - “他已经推迟了这一天考虑一段时间,但风险更大。“
虽然其他人可能会比较龙掌到一位财政警察,但伯格曼将欧洲央行描述为“欧洲垃圾罐 - 购买债券没有其他人想要”。他认为,这将这些欧元区政府置于束缚中的垃圾。
“Let’s assume Spain will not be able to stand by its commitments agreed with the ECB under the OMT program, perhaps because social unrest prevents this,” says Bergmann. “If the ECB stops buying and decides to sell, Spain will not be able to fund itself” — because no investor will be prepared to step into a bond market, which the ECB itself has abandoned. Branded with the imprimatur of Draghi's disapproval, the Spanish sovereign market would collapse. The outcome would be either a Spanish default or a redenomination of Spanish sovereign bonds with Spain leaving the euro zone — and an economic crisis across the euro zone that would hit Germany too.