
能源 - 天然气:第一


    Ronald Barone在全美研究团队中花了一半以上的一生。自1975年以来,69岁的人出现了40次。(1994年和1997年,他排名在两个行业。)今年他爬上一个陷波,以便第一次获得第一个。“现在这个行业的最佳日子已经领先于此,”瑞银分析师宣布,在钻井技术进步增加非传统供应增加的消费中引用了消费。“Natural gas is going to result in a rebirth of the U.S. industrial base,” he predicts, adding that with gas prices at historic lows, gas-fired plants are being run for longer periods of time — and growth is set to accelerate starting in 2014 as new facilities announced by petrochemicals companies, the largest industrial consumers of natural gas, are constructed and come on line. “We’re seeing the petrochemicals industry come back to the U.S.,” Barone says. “You’re going to see a rebirth of the steel industry and ultimately — though it’s from a very, very low base — you’re going to see a lot more natural-gas vehicles.” His current recommendations include EQT Corp. of Pittsburgh; National Fuel Gas Co. of Williamsville, New York; and Tulsa, Oklahoma–based Williams Cos.