
消费者 - 零售/百老汇和百货商店:第二家

    deborah weinswigciti.

    八年后,Deborah Weinswig滑倒了第二名,但投资者认为Citi分析师是“唯一一个真正理解技术融合和消费者意味着她覆盖宇宙的唯一卖家之一,”作为一笔钱经理把它放了。Weinswig也是零售/食品和药品链的亚军,建议选择“帮助消费者节省不利斯加里加的钱”,并避免那些迎合高收入购物者的商家。“如果欧洲游客以全力返回,消费者信心是改善的,我们会温暖返回这些高端名称中的一些。”Weinswig dubbed Bentonville, Arkansas–based discount retailer Wal-Mart Stores her top pick in early August, reiterating the buy she first issued in March 2010. (The stock gained 43.4 percent from that call through August 2012.) The retail giant’s back-to-basics approach should drive clothing sales, she says, and its compare-the-receipt advertising campaign is resonating with consumers — all of which should boost the stock.