
lib dems在brexit后的“护照”版权上签名

前银行家和LIB DEMS财政部发言人Susan Kramer希望她的党能够利用U.K.下个月大选中的保守党政府失败。


The accusation from Kramer came in an interview with Institutional Investor as both parties enter their second week of campaigning for the U.K. general election, scheduled for June 8. The former Citigroup banker has been leading the Lib Dems’ campaign to secure better terms for the City of London in the ongoing Brexit negotiations.




“这座城市非常担心从U.K.中丢失[欧元计价]衍生品。并且相当于许多英国实体将受到护照损失的损害,”Kramer说。“我希望,非常希望这个城市现在更愿意倾听LIB DEM。”

The Liberal Democrats were in power between 2010 and 2015, forming a coalition government with the Tories, as the Conservative Party is known, after securing 57 seats and 23 percent of the popular vote. They lost 49 of those seats in the 2015 election, wiping out gains made by the party over the previous two decades.

克拉姆人希望她的银行业和她在各种议会上的角色财务和商业委员会2011年和2013年之间将增加派对试图向选民出去的信息增加权重:Lib Dems为保守派的艰难方法提供了替代方案。



“唯一的安全将最好的交易方式be very tough negotiations is through the strong and stable leadership of Theresa May protecting Britain’s interests,” a Conservative Party spokesman said. “Unless you vote for Theresa May and her Conservative candidates on 8 June, the weak, floundering and nonsensical Jeremy Corbyn will be leading our negotiations instead, propped up by the Liberal Democrats.”



