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All-America Research Team: Analysts With Most No. 1 Appearances

    < back to Hall of Fame Analysts Look AheadAnalysts With Most No. 1 Appearances
    Rank Analyst Firm* Total Rank Analyst Firm* Total
    1 Ed Hyman Evercore ISI 36 28 Jeffrey Klein Kidder, Peabody & Co. 13
    2 Dennis Leibowitz Donaldson, Lufkin & Jenrette Securities Corp. 25 28 Michael Weinstein J.P. Morgan 13
    3 Stephen Girsky Morgan Stanley 23 32 David Adelman Morgan Stanley 12
    4 Jerome Gitt Merrill Lynch 22 32 Harvey Heinbach Merrill Lynch 12
    5 Michael Armellino Goldman, Sachs & Co. 21 32 John Hindelong Credit Suisse First Boston 12
    6 Joel Price Donaldson, Lufkin & Jenrette Securities Corp. 20 32 Curt Launer Credit Suisse First Boston 12
    6 Jack Salzman Goldman, Sachs & Co. 20 32 Steven Milunovich Merrill Lynch 12
    8 Joseph Ellis Goldman, Sachs & Co. 19 32 John Tumazos Prudential Equity Group 12
    9 Mark Schoenebaum Evercore ISI 18 32 Gary Yablon Credit Suisse First Boston 12
    10 Richard Sherlund Goldman, Sachs & Co. 17 32 艾薇Zelman Zelman & Associates 12
    10 George Staphos Bank of America Merrill Lynch 17 40 Joseph Bellace Merrill Lynch 11
    10 William Young Donaldson, Lufkin & Jenrette Securities Corp. 17 40 Jeffrey deGraaf Renaissance Macro Research 11
    13 罗伯特·法雷尔 Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith 16 40 Elaine Garzarelli Elaine Garzarelli 11
    13 Patricia McConnell Bear, Stearns & Co. 16 40 Jonathan Goldfarb Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith 11
    13 大卫Raso Evercore ISI 16 40 Joseph Greff J.P. Morgan 11
    16 Kenneth Abramowitz Sanford C. Bernstein & Co. 15 40 B. Alexander Henderson Citigroup/Salomon Smith Barney 11
    16 Robert Cornell Lehman Brothers 15 40 Jay Meltzer Goldman, Sachs & Co. 11
    16 Emanuel Goldman Paine Webber 15 40 John Rohs Schroder Wertheim & Co. 11
    16 A.M. (Toni) Sacconaghi Sanford C. Bernstein & Co. 15 40 Jeffrey Sprague Citi 11
    20 Meredith Adler Barclays 14 40 Cai von Rumohr Cowen and Co. 11
    20 Jessica Reif Cohen Merrill Lynch 14 50 Richard Bernstein Merrill Lynch 10
    20 Ehud Gelblum Morgan Stanley 14 50 Ernest Liu Goldman, Sachs & Co. 10
    20 Thomas Hanley UBS Securities 14 50 John Mackin Morgan Stanley 10
    20 Jerry Labowitz Merrill Lynch 14 50 J. Kendrick Noble Jr. Paine Webber Mitchell Hutchins 10
    20 Andrew Lazar Barclays 14 50 Katharine Plourde Donaldson, Lufkin & Jenrette Securities Corp. 10
    20 Lee Seidler Bear, Stearns & Co. 14 50 William Siedenburg Smith Barney, Harris Upham & Co. 10
    20 Andrew Steinerman J.P. Morgan 14 50 François Trahan Cornerstone Macro 10
    28 Steven Fleishman Wolfe Research 13 50 Harold Vogel Merrill Lynch 10
    28 Barry Good Morgan Stanley 13
    * The firm name at the time the analyst earned the majority of first-place positions.