

两个Hotshot Activists - 竞争对手活动家Carl Icahn和Bill Ackman的Protégés分别看了他们的公司资产大幅下降。

Keith Meister’s Corvex Management and Richard (Mick) McGuire III’s Marcato Capital Management, two once-hot activist hedge fund firms that bolted out of the gate during the post-financial crisis bull market, have lost a big chunk of their assets over the past year as some of their highest-profile activist plays have slipped into the red.

MEISTER和MCGUIER是竞争激进人士的PROTÉGÉSCarl Icahn.比尔阿克曼。根据Corvex的第三季度,MEISTER,MEIRSINE,据ICAHN中尉拥有85亿美元,于2015年底拥有85亿美元的美国股票.Corvex申请监管机构。他最近在5月中旬提交的13亿美元,展示了他的美国股票价格为36亿美元-A的下降58%。虽然这些数字没有讲述整个故事,但他们是一个代理,因为大多数活动家的控股都是股票。


随着SOROS'播种平台的支持,2011年推出了Corvex,到2013年的大大粉丝,加倍资产,具有几名早期活动家成功。但是,他的许多活动剧本都没有表现良好,特别是最近。他的最新型 - 石油和天然气勘探公司Energen Corp.,电信公司Centurylink和流媒体音乐服务潘多拉媒体 - 根据他的13D申请,所有交易都低于他的平均购买价格。

Pandora is the worst — it’s down 26 percent from the price Meister paid for his stake, which was disclosed in May of 2016. Overall, Meiser’s current activist plays are down about 15 percent by that measure, compared with a 6.78 percent gain for the Standard & Poor’s 500 stock index during the respective time periods. Out of 14 activist plays in which he took a 5 percent stake or more, six are either trading lower than when he bought them, or did so when he sold out. Over time, however, his holdings still outperform the S&P 500 — but by just a little more than 1 percent. Meister declined to comment.

据熟悉这些人数,马茨托的资产已跌至10亿美元至10亿美元。麦克望那a former partner at Ackman’s Pershing Square Capital Management, launched Marcato in 2010 with seeding from Blackstone and quickly took off, nearly doubling assets in 2013. Marcato’s decline is entirely from redemptions, largely from funds of funds, as the flagship fund is actually performing well. Although it lost 9.3 percent in 2015, it gained 9 percent last year. This year, the fund is up about 8 percent so far.

麦克望’s newest activist positions— in Deckers Outdoor Corp., which makes UGG boots and apparel, and Terex Corp., which manufactures cranes — have gained 44.45 percent and 67.45 percent, respectively, from his average purchase price, trouncing the S&P 500. But the attention has been on casual dining chain Buffalo Wild Wings, where he recently wrangled a board seat. So far, though, the position has been a loser. His stake is down almost 6 percent from his purchase cost of $138 per share.

In recent years, McGuire has been involved in a couple of other high-profile losers — auction house Sotheby’s International, which he exited with a 3.6 percent loss from his purchase price, and transactions processing company NCR, which had fallen 7 percent by the same measure when he left the board, then quickly sold out. Overall, however, his 12 activist plays’ gains have almost doubled the broader market, with an average gain of 30 percent.
