

In the heart of Silicon Valley, endowed by a computer fortune, the $7.2 billion Packard Foundation opts out of quant investing.

David Packard是为群众提供计算能力的人,制作了帝国和销售智能机器。他在20世纪30年代后期与威廉·惠普的第一个振荡器建造了第一台振荡器,在车库里在帕洛阿尔托的His和Lucile Packard的租房子里的租房。因此,惠普出生于1939年。正式,硅谷也是如此。Packards'车库列在国家历史名册登记册上作为诞生地美国技术产业。他们的基金也有谦卑的开始。

Starting with $100,000 of the Packards’ own money in 1964, the nonprofit was small in scale but在任务中激进for the time, supporting reproductive rights, early childhood education, and the environment. David Packard died in 1996, and the foundation inherited roughly $4 billion of HP shares. In 1999 it became a two-stock portfolio when HP spun off its measurement and components businesses to form Agilent Technologies.

DOT-COM BEST证明为什么它有一个可怕的想法,以便投入了一个十分类投资组合只是两家公司

The philanthropy’s trustees decided to cash out of HP and computers, putting their faith in human intellect. In 2007 the David and Lucile Packard Foundation hired its first chief investment officer, John Moehling, and gave him license to diversify. Moehling thenhired Kimberly Sargent从斯坦福大学获得了工商管理硕士学位的duate School of Business after working for Yale University’s endowment. Together they built a nonprofit portfolio that is admired by peers and reputed to be a strong performer, though Packard, like many foundations, does not disclose investment returns.

Moehling plans to retire at the end of the year, and Sargent will succeed him as CIO.

她属于一个干部 - 有些人开玩笑地称之为一名黑手党 - 在Elite美国非营利组织的一名黑手党 - 从耶鲁大学的Cio捐赠的CIO,从养生投资的教父里了解到了一名幼儿。除了康涅狄格州纽约翰州的专业根源外,这些第二代炫耀在很大程度上拒绝了自耶鲁型号推广民营资产的自耶鲁型号以来最大的制度潮流:量化投资。


Sargent不是这些投资者之一。这可能是唯一有助于Packard的投资组合的黑盒子充满了办公用品,并用初始惠普盖章。Sargent谈到了亚博赞助欧冠机构投资者’s Alpha在金融市场上的Man Versus Vers和机器的Leanna Orr,以及为什么她投注72亿美元的人。


Kimberly Sargent: You’d probably get different answers from different folks, but I’d say it is any strategy that attempts to take real-time human judgment out of the investment process, replacing it with a model that makes decisions based on preordained rules.





