




吴可能是中国最富有的商人之一,但他的消费能力政治联系并没有保护他来自中国国家主席习近平的愤怒。事实上,其中一些联系 - 即他与美国总统唐纳德特朗普的女婿Jared Kushner的企业经营交易 - 可能已经复杂了他的问题,来源告诉亚博赞助欧冠。Chinese finance experts say the recent investigation and detention of the Chinese insurance tycoon also is an indication that Xi has fully consolidated his power and gained an upper hand over political rivals ahead of the nation’s 19th Party Congress of the Communist Party of China, a summit set for this fall that will elect leaders for the coming five years.


Neither Anbang nor the government has revealed the reasons for Wu’s detention. But sources with knowledge of the current investigations tell亚博赞助欧冠52,吴武士在中国股市崩盘期间探讨了据称的内幕交易。

同样的调查人员已经拘留了至少一个其他大亨。在一月,萧建华那a Chinese billionaire who controls four listed companies, allegedly was nabbed by Beijing security agents from his suite at the Four Seasons Hotel in Hong Kong. Xiao was a business partner of the sons of several retired Chinese leaders — among them, former vice president Zeng Qinghong — and seemingly had access to inside information in government and business circles.

Wu was once married to Zhuo Ran, a granddaughter of former Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping, and is known in Chinese political circles as a princeling: a child or relative of a powerful senior leader. Wu arguably had much higher-level contacts, sources say, and in particular, was still managing funds linked to one of China’s preeminent political families, despite his reported separation from Zhuo more than a decade ago.


Earlier this year, Anbang attempted to invest in a Manhattan office tower at 666 Fifth Avenue owned by the Kushner family’s Kushner Companies, a potential deal that attracted scrutiny from regulators and the U.S. Congress and eventually fell through.

“Anbang’s overseas ambitions caught the attentions of American regulators, who then requested more information, which Anbang did not want to disclose,” says Collier, who from 2009 to 2011 was the New York-based president of Bank of China International, the offshore equity arm of China’s third-largest bank. “This, coupled with their ill-fated connections to Jared Kushner, brought them far more attention than Beijing wanted.”

U.S. regulators also were investigating Anbang’s aggressive spate of attempted acquisitions, including a failed attempted last year to buy Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide for $14 billion. Back home, an Anbang subsidiary was censured by China’s insurance regulator in May for designing insurance and investment products that skirted regulations aimed at curtailing risk. The censure came amid an industry-wide crackdown on excessive use of universal life products by some insurers and as China’s leaders moved to curb financial-sector risk.


香港中文大学的政治学家Willy Lam表示,他认为,政府被富裕的富裕航班镇压的一部分被拘留为一部分。

“主要的问题与领导的efforts to prevent or curtail capital flight — corporations that make big investments overseas for the purpose of parking their money in safer places, either the U.S., Hong Kong or tax havens such as British Virgin Islands,” Lam notes. “Although Anbang is putatively a private company with connections to big clans in China, it has to follow general rules established by the party-state authorities.”


Since President Xi took office in 2013, he has been leading a crackdown on official corruption, including attacking a few of the powerful families that once led China, among them the scion of the family of Bo Yibo, a vice premier and former ally of Deng’s. Xi sacked Bo’s son, Bo Xilai, from his post as Chongqing party chief in 2012. Bo was subsequently imprisoned for life after being prosecuted by a Chinese court for corruption.

“Xi even went after a few other officials and former officials, but this is the first time he dared to go after someone who handled the wealth of the Deng family,” says a retired senior Chinese official, who asked not to be identified by name for fear of incrimination. “The fact that Xi dared to go after Wu means even the Deng family is no longer sacred or safe from Xi’s campaign. It takes a lot of guts to go after the Dengs, and Wu’s arrest means Xi has guts.”

If anything, the retired official says, President Xi is not only ensured a second term through 2022, but he also “may have a hand in putting one of his cronies in as his successor, and that means he may rule China through 2032.”
