




Ding’s resignation ahead of the National People’s Congress, which is scheduled to start on March 5, is an indication that he is in line to be promoted to a more senior position, says a senior government adviser in Beijing, who asked not to be identified by name because he is not authorized to comment. “It’s not yet clear what position Ding will be promoted into, but his promotion is a sure thing,” the adviser says, adding that Ding, who has had a高调在cic,可以进入“更强大的”位置,更“幕后,而是更接近基主顾问的内部圈子。”

1960年出生于1960年,位于江苏东部,丁先生担任大部分职业生涯作为财政部的高级官员。他于1994年成为该部的部门署长,并于48岁提升给副部长。作为当时最年轻的财政部长,他的职责包括提出财政政策,监督农业部门和中国鉴定社会,是一个组织的财政政策和中国评估学会根据该部。In 2010 he became the youngest-ever deputy secretary-general of the State Council, the superministry that runs the Chinese government’s daily operations, a post he held until he was appointed CIC chairman in July 2013, succeeding Lou Jiwei, who was promoted to finance minister a few months earlier.

在CIC的丁尼统治期间,他监督了反腐败运动,并于2015年1月成立了CIC Capital,该子公司授权外国直接和私募股权投资。他还将在2015年12月向纽约举行了CIC北美办事处的CIC北美办事处,并推出了一家内部研究部门,建议广泛的离岸交易。


Since October 2014, Ding also concurrently served as chairman of China International Capital Corp., one of the country’s leading investment banks, which he helped succeed in an initial public offering in Hong Kong in late 2015. Ding’s promotion up the ranks would mean that CICC will have to scramble in the months ahead to find a replacement who has as much gravitas.