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The 2017 Pension Political Power 25: Laura and John Arnold

No. 4 Laura & John Arnold, Founders, Laura and John Arnold Foundation

4. Laura & John Arnold
Laura and John Arnold Foundation

年代ince 2011 theLaura and John Arnold Foundation (LJAF)has established itself as the most powerful voice among not-for-profits fighting to reform public defined benefit pensions in the U.S. The Arnolds’ considerable wealth aids in these efforts. John Arnold, 42, made his multibillion-dollar fortune as a natural-gas trader, first atEnron Corp.and then running his own hedge fund. The couple is willing to give big bucks to candidates and campaigns that support the type of pension reform they endorse: a reduction of the burden on state and municipal coffers. The Texas-based LJAF has worked with state lawmakers to help shape pension policy, most recently in Arizona. The foundation’s top pension executive, Josh McGee, is emerging as a pension power player in his own right: In addition to his day job, he’s a senior fellow with conservative think tank the Manhattan Institute for Policy Research (see Paul Singer, No. 15) and chairman of theTexas Pension Review Board.— Imogen Rose-Smith

The 2017 Pension Political Power 25

1.Andy Puzder
2.Bruce Rauner
Governor of Illinois
3.Betsy DeVos
年代ecretary of Education
4.Laura & John Arnold
Laura and John Arnold Foundation
5.年代teven Mnuchin
年代ecretary of the Treasury
6.Wilbur Ross
年代ecretary of Commerce
7.Tani Cantil-Sakauye
California Chief Justice
8.Paul Ryan
年代peaker of the House
9.Anthony Scaramucci
Founder, SkyBridge Capital
10.Kevin de León
California State Senator and President Pro Tempore
11.Mike Enzi
Chairman, Senate Subcommittee on Primary Health and Retirement Security
12.年代teve Sweeney
New Jersey State Senate
13.Jerry Brown
Governor of California
14.Corey Lewandowski
Co-founder, Avenue Strategies
15.Paul Singer
Elliott Management Corp.
16.Randel Johnson
年代enior Vice President, Labor, Immigration, and Employee Benefits, U.S. Chamber of Commerce
17.Joe Manchin
U.S. Senator
18.Kenneth Feinberg
Founder and managingpartner, Feinberg Rozen
19.年代cott Walker
Governor of Wisconsin
20.Richard Trumka
21.Mike Rawlings
Mayor of Dallas
22.Elizabeth Warren
U.S. Senator
23.Kent Mason
Davis & Harman
24.Bernie Sanders
U.S. Senator
25.Randi Weingarten
总统,American Federation of Teachers