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企业需要女性的优势,Sallie Krawcheck认为


In a 2008纽约时报关于Sallie Krawcheck的射击,然后是Citi全球财富管理主席和首席执行官,记者写道:“这令人诱人归咎于Krawcheck女士对玻璃天花板无情的流域的垮台。然而,事实证明,她从花旗集团出发的原因在于,在一家银行对于功能失调管理的银行争吵的老式企业酒吧争吵的结果。“

In her new book,拥有它: The Power of Women at Work, Krawcheck writes that she believed that line of thinking at the time. But now she feels differently. Yes, she was fired for being a woman, or at least behaving like one. As head of Citi’s wealth management units, including Smith Barney, Krawcheck wanted Citi to reimburse Smith Barney clients for at least part of their devastating losses on an investment that was wrongly pitched as low risk. Krawcheck thought the bank should take responsibility for not having had a handle on the risk of the investments. But Citigroup’s then–chief executive, Vikram Pandit, repeatedly said no when presented with Krawcheck’s take on the situation. Once the board asked to be briefed on the proposal and voted to partly reimburse clients, Krawcheck was fired within months.



一个线程贯穿拥有它is research showing that companies with greater diversity perform much better than those that pull employees and senior managers from the same homogeneous pool. Sadly, Krawcheck, who started her career as a research analyst and later held top jobs on Wall Street, including CEO of Sanford C. Bernstein & Co. and Merrill Lynch Wealth Management, says much of this information is still being ignored.

高级作家Julie Segal最近用Krawcheck,52,现任首席执行官和Ellevest,妇女投资平台和Ellevate网络的椅子进行了次要。

亚博赞助欧冠机构投资者: The book is quite candid about your own failings and how you have been treated by men during your career. Did you struggle with being so honest?

Krawcheck:No. My career, whether I wanted it to be or not, has been very public. As a research analyst, you’re immediately failing in public. If you’re right 54 percent of the time, you’re doing well. That means you’re wrong 46 percent of the time. Hey, I was fired [from Citi] on the front page of the newspaper! Because we women take failure so hard and feel the need to apologize and smooth it over, I wanted to be candid about where I had failed. But really, with my career having been in the public eye, being even more candid in the book — who cares?

You write that during your years on Wall Street, you always believed in equality for women but brushed off the label of feminist. What do you say to people who say you’re late to the issue?



Yes, because your 30s are a blur. You’re also being told to act unnaturally, told to be confident, make a strong case, ask for the raise. And you’re doing that, but you’re getting backlash, because society doesn’t like women who are too masculine. But then you get to your mid- to late 40s, maybe early 50s, when the kids are older, and you look around and say, “Where are all the women? Wait a minute—the fight wasn’t over.”

I might not have labeled myself a feminist, but I was actually doing the work. I was speaking at every women’s conference that ever asked me; I was head of Citi’s women’s group; my management team was gender-diverse and diverse in all sorts of other ways. Did I do it with a big blazing “F” on my forehead? No. If anybody wants to ding me for not being a feminist earlier, go have a drink.

You’ve gone so far as to attribute the 2008–’09 financial crisis to a lack of diversity. Tell me about that.

传统智慧,至少墙外的压力et, was that evil geniuses took the country for a ride. What I saw was groupthink. And to break groupthink, you need diversity of thought, which comes from diversity of background, perspective, education, orientation, skin color, gender, et cetera. The one I’m most drawn to, for obvious reasons, is gender.

You and I both know in our heart that if those trading floors had been gender-diverse, we wouldn’t have had the crisis we had. Then during the crisis, boards and regulators said, “I’d love to put a woman in the job, but we’re in the middle of a crisis. We don’t have that luxury.” Of course it wasn’t a formal decision to bar women. It was “We’d love to have women, but not for this role. Now I need someone who has been in the trenches with me.” Women lost out to men in the crisis, and now the industry is less diverse than it was ten years ago.

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