



That’s what Accenture has projected blockchain technology can cut from the biggest investment banks’ infrastructure costs. Given that its analysis is based on aggregated data from eight of the ten biggest banks (total cost base: $30 billion) — and with those billions potentially compounded across numerous other financial institutions and operations — it is little wonder the nascent blockchain industry is in full-on land-grab mode.

超过10亿美元的风险投资和其他投资基金已经进入数字货币和区块链,或分布式分类账技术(DLT),启动。根据Greenwich Associates的说法,在资本市场上,金融公司和技术提供者每年花费超过10亿美元的举措。




1月,DTCC宣布将其交易信息仓库成为信用衍生品市场工作流程的重要堵塞,进入DLT平台。它以IBM称为主要合作伙伴来管理迁移。AXONI提供DLT和SMART-CONTORY软件。R3 CEV,一个超过70个金融机构的财团,正在分享DLT开发成本,正在发挥咨询作用。和DTCC承认来自银行的“投入和指导”,包括信贷瑞士斯和JPMORGAN Chase&Co,以及洲际交流和信息服务公司IHS Markit。

DTCC says a decision is due in June on whether to move another posttrade initiative, in the U.S. Treasury and Agency repo market, into full-scale development. The utility’s partner here is Digital Asset Holdings, the DLT company led by former JPMorgan executive Blythe Masters that is regarded as R3’s closest rival. DTCC is part of Digital Asset’s ownership group, which also includes Accenture, Goldman Sachs Group, IBM, JPMorgan, and the strategic investment arms of Spain’s Banco Santander, exchange operator CME Group, and London-based trading and technology firm NEX Group (formerly ICAP).

这些阵容说明了联盟,联盟和伙伴关系 - 具有重叠的联系和流体忠诚 - 正在迎来DLT进入金融。市场参与者不仅与数字资产和R3联系起来。They are also joining standards-promoting bodies such as the Linux Foundation’s Hyperledger Project (Accenture, CME, Digital Asset, DTCC, IBM, JPMorgan, and R3 have premier membership status) and the Enterprise Ethereum Alliance (Accenture, CME, Credit Suisse, JPMorgan, Microsoft, and Santander, among others).

The idea is that in areas where competition would be counterproductive, standards will foster innovation in much the same way Internet protocols enabled e-business to flourish.

“有一定程度的标准化,使每个人都有利益,”数字资产首席商业发展官Chris Church在纽约三月初在DTCC Fintech研讨会上表示。他承认,标准写作可能是乏味的,但补充道,“奖品是如此之大,我们错过了一个很好的机会。”

如果所有这些合作提供“最大的用户最大的利益”,那将是良好的,这是善良的,DTCC总裁兼首席执行官Michael Bodson被称为关键目标。但这并不意味着任何窒息竞争果汁


R3在去年在一个重要的DLT演示中有一个项目管理角色 - 瑞士信贷LED概念证明是对混合物贷款的概念加工。The DLT component came from Symbiont, the smart-securities company Caitlin Long joined last summer as chair and president. The former Morgan Stanley managing director blogged that she was drawn to Symbiont because it has “the best technology platform for financial sector uses.”


Symbiont is working on an extensive corporate-records DLT initiative with the特拉华州,并于3月推出了一个平台与奥尔巴特斯公司的数字化交易unrefined gold

分这几对共生有机体的战斗nly beginning to heat up.