
Lula's bank

Banco do Brasil, the 800-pound gorilla of Brazilian banking, has been throwing its weight around under President Lula. But it's behaving more like a commercial bank than a development bank. And soon BB may sell a bunch of its soaring shares to foreigners.

    这是2002年路易斯·伊纳西奥·卢拉·达席尔瓦,前工厂工人与强强联合的关系,刚刚当选巴西总统深秋,和市场是在国家的蹒跚到左边的前景风声鹤唳。Fernando Henrique Cardoso的发布管理,响应于卢拉的经济民粹主义和财政谴责的恐惧,寻求卖出18%的Banco Do Brasil在圣保罗证券交易所。

    “卡多斯政府正试图竭及 - 即使在其最后的时刻,它是支持私有化的时刻,”基于Brasília的咨询公司Góes&Consurecessociados的政治分析师Luciano Dia说。但是,他补充说:“这也是卢拉管理的挑衅。”


    “亚博赞助欧冠机构投资者不感兴趣”,“投资者关系的执行经理Marco Geovanne说。“他们希望支付低价,因为每个人都害怕新的左翼政府。”

    Now, three years into the Lula era, there should be a lot more appetite for Banco do Brasil's shares as the bank -- the country's oldest and biggest by far -- again contemplates an offering. Although bank officials won't comment on the size, the timing or even the likelihood of a stock sale, market rumors suggest it could come sooner rather than later. One reliable observer foresees a $300 million issue pitched to foreign as well as domestic investors.

    The bank's first-half earnings report alluded almost in passing to the possibility of an offering, and BB officials have quietly spoken in recent months of perhaps placing more of the bank's shares in private hands. One compelling incentive: The shares have been gaining in value, rising 30.4 percent this year through mid-October -- an even better performance than the 11 percent increase for Brazil's benchmark Bovespa index.


    虽然LULA的政府在政治丑闻中被融入了他的职员职务,但分析师表示,总统的烦恼 - 即使他们阻止他在2006年10月寻求第二学期 - 应该没有对Banco做巴西或任何潜在股份所提供的严重影响。

    “Banco Do Brasil具有竞争优势,使其能够和平地在这场危机中导航;在任何情况下,它将成为一个强大的银行,”阿尔科建议主任MurilloAragão争夺公司客户的政治咨询公司。对于一件事,他说:“超越成为国家银行,这是巴西政府的银行 - 这使它非常有利可图。”

    Banco do Brasil has nonetheless been brushed by the scandal. Its marketing and communications director, Henrique Pizzolato, retired prematurely in July after he was allegedly linked in a congressional probe to Marcos Valério, a publicist who is under investigation for passing funds to members of Congress to secure votes for government programs.

    在卢拉时代巴西已成为占主导地位的银行more formidable than ever. Profits hit a record $850 million on revenues of $5.75 billion in this year's first half. Indeed, BB acts about as much like a sleepy state institution as, well, Lula behaves like a conventional leftist politician.

    "The bank is continuing to pursue the strategy of a competitive bank in line with the practices of the international financial market," its president and CEO, Rossano Maranhão, tells Institutional Investor. For the longtime BB employee, whom Finance Minister Antonio Palocci named acting president and CEO in November 2004 and confirmed in that post six months later, this calls for "consolidating our position as the leader in capturing savings, in asset management, in lending, in our international presence and branches and in our ATM network."

    The Finance minister tapped technocrat Maranhão in part to try to depoliticize the bank job and keep the harder-left members of Lula's Partido dos Trabalhadores, or Workers Party, at arm's length. They would have loved to bend as powerful a government tool as BB to their radical agenda, and they resent Palocci for his conservative economic policies.


    在巴西的快速巩固银行业,最强大的拉丁美洲,BB是一个正宗的巨型 - 而且现在也比以往任何时候都更加安全。其总资产仅为1000亿美元,比巴西最大的私人银行Bancobradesco的总额增加了20%以上,其4000亿美元的贷款组合比布拉德斯科大37%。它引领客户(2100万),存款(599亿美元),管理资产(637亿美元),国内分销(3,800个分支机构,10,800美元的融合和39,000美元),贸易金融(市场份额为29%),在线客户(700万),国际网络(21个国家的分支机构和/或子公司)和员工(86,300)。这些大职员和分支机构总部部分反映了其作为国家银行的任务,即使是该国的偏远角落。

    The bank's much-anticipated though still inchoate public offering ought to produce quite a prospectus, given BB's current return on equity of almost 30 percent; steady increase in share value (some 7 percent is publicly held now); continued vigorous performance by the loan portfolio; nearly 10 percent fee growth; strong client relationships forged by cross-selling; and 23 percent growth in assets under management for the 12 months ended June 2005.

    The prospectus also, however, ought to carry one crimson flag: Despite the bank's efforts to enhance its solvency, rating agencies express concern about its capitalization. Because the bank is allowed to register loan-loss provisions as an expense before it knows what the real losses will be, it reaps tax credits that now make up 60 percent of its $5.3 billion in equity. An intangible asset, the tax credits can only reduce taxable income once a real loss occurs. Both Fitch Ratings and Standard & Poor's recommend that the tax credits be removed from the bank's books.

    "It is a weak point," contends Daniel Araújo, director of financial institutions analysis at S&P's São Paulo office. But he adds that the tax credit component of BB's equity is "going down fast because the bank is improving its profitability and the amount of its equity base." As recently as 2001, he says, BB's tax credits added up to more than 100 percent of its equity. The healthy pattern of declining tax credits should persist as long as the bank has decent profits against which to set the tax credits. Fitch and S&P both rate the bank BB on long-term local currency debt and BB on long-term foreign currency debt.

    从Lula Era开始,BB的董事会已经设定了雄心勃勃的贷款目标,并且银行经常超过它们。Maranhão报道称BB的信贷组合是轨道上涨了20%至25%,通过对消费者和国家蓬勃发展的农业大学而咄咄逼人。贸易融资今年膨胀至100亿美元以上,这一核心业务增长了10%。然而,Maranhão很快就会注意到,银行的贷款质量仍将成为市场平均水平,92%集中在AA-to-C类别中。

    “我们所做的一切都来自互补战略,”首席执行官断言。例如,他说,BB的远方外国客户基地促进其在贸易融资方面的领导。另一个协同作用的例子:伦敦,BB证券和Banco与Barasil Securities之间的证券房屋之间的战略联动,该银行于6月在纽约开业,以便使用美国资本市场为巴西公司提供服务。

    目前,银行6.8% - 500万股 - 个人和机构自由交易;外国投资者持有2.8个百分点的自由浮法(现在占据了5.6%);其余部分由国家财政部,BB等养老基金和Banco Nacional de Desenvolv VieldoEconômicoE社会,国家开发银行的投资基金。

    Investor relations chief Geovanne says that the Treasury might sell off part of its holdings to improve the bank's liquidity. Although Geovanne won't confirm a number, market watchers predict that a 17 percent chunk of the bank's shares will be offered, bringing its free float to about 25 percent. Geovanne notes that BB officials have been attending international conferences, holding conference calls in English and embarking on road shows "as part of our strategic plan to increase transparency and start tapping foreign investors."

    卢拉的间接监督BB - 通过他的亲密盟友财政部长帕洛克省,他抚摸着银行董事会 - 一般高兴的市场。但银行没有没有政治动荡的特征,其中卢拉的任期。2003年1月任命BB的Cassio Casseb于2003年1月任命的PARTIDO DOS Trabalhodores Administration,从市场上直接来到市场:他是巴西的领先信用卡发卡机构和巴西花旗银行的财务主任。Casseb被证明是一个充满活力的领导者,让银行采取更专业的贷款方式;在23个月的任期期间股价二次。

    “他在合适的工作中战略性地是合适的人选,”奥斯汀评级金融机构分析师Erivelto Rodrigues,SãoPaulo评级公司。





    尽管如此,银行陡峭的利率 - 短期工作资本贷款的50%,尽管是单位数的通货膨胀 - 从商人吸取的火灾,他们正在抵御他们正在窒息经济增长。为了缓解汇率的政治压力继续安装,对所有银行的并发症构成,特别是对于BB等相对效率的机构。其效率指数 - 营业费用除以净收入 - 是73.6;布拉德斯科是58.4。

    “BB向前挑战是为了准备当我们植入文明利率政策时:BB必须学会以合理的差价一起生活,”布拉西利亚地区立法机构的社会主义成员曾经曾经有合理的差价为银行工作,是Brasília银行工人联盟的前总统Sindicato DosBancários。


    巴西公共银行 - BB包括 - 实际上对贷款利率向下压力,因为他们为补贴率提供了一些信贷,因为他们的私营部门对手指出。例如,该银行提供贷款,可为家庭农场每年廉价廉价,而Agribusiness的平均每年仅为8.75%。自然而然,卢拉鼓励了这种拟章发育融资。


    Banco do Brasil finances the loan subsidies by tapping public worker insurance funds and development bank loans at low, long-term rates; it also relies on its own deposits and, critically, a so-called equalization subsidy paid directly out of Brazil's Treasury. In 2004 this compensation amounted to $151.5 million. Under the country's fiscal responsibility law, the Treasury payments must be made public; the government is legally bound to fund the allocations out of the federal budget to ensure transparency and to avoid adding to Brasília's debt.

    BB's presence in agricultural lending is overpowering: It accounts for 60 percent of all farm credit, largely because of its subsidized lending. The bulk go to large producers. But 4 million family farms are eligible for loans at that 4 percent rate as part of a program begun in 1995 under Cardoso and expanded by Lula to strengthen family agriculture. During last year's harvest the bank extended loans totaling $1.2 billion to 1 million farmers. "The program has acquired a lot more muscle in this government," says Ricardo Conceição, BB's vice president of agribusiness.

    然而,一些大农民抱着银行没有对待他们以及小农。投诉是从参与政府在2001年的BB和其他银行的坏贷款组合的那些参与政府重组的人中最响亮的。他们无法从BB获得新的贷款,而没有追索者,而是获得私营部门银行或跨国公司的哥斯兰信贷Feliciano Dias,Mato Grosso Do Sul的高架机械化2,125英亩农场生产大豆。不再有资格从银行借款的DIA,因为他种植单一公顷(2.5英亩)的成本是375美元,BB的农场贷款上限约为75,000美元,不会开始达到他的成本或其他大型生产者。


    BB同样补贴于中小型企业的兴高采烈,2003年的27.5亿美元从今年的预计86亿美元射击。“我们处于利率的攻击性职位,我们拥有配送网络安装,我们将一切携手要成为一名大玩家,”埃德逊马町(Edson Machado)争夺零售银行副总裁的埃德森Machado。BB能够每年贷款18至28%,而竞争对手的24%至54%。银行的零售队伍去年收取了250亿美元的费用收入,拥有Machado。

    "You can no longer say that official banks have functions very different from other banks'," observes Gustavo Franco, Brazil's central bank governor from 1995 to 1999. "I don't think there has been any significant change in the modus operandi of BB during the Lula government."




    "It's quick -- I don't have to wait in a line," she says.

    耶稣De Freitas的金融机构是Banco流行,这是两岁的Banco Do Barasil子公司,他的使命是向巴西的低收入工人提供金融服务,如SãoPaulo庞大的郊区的HERS。Carlos Ferreira's Store的Minibranch,Loja deCalças(“裤子商店”),是过去一年的巴西银行设立的7,900多家单位之一。

    Although not the only populist bank in Brazil, Banco Popular is the showcase for Lula's drive to achieve so-called social inclusion within the country's financial sector. The president proclaims that his aim is to "bank the unbanked": Fully 40 percent of adult Brazilians lack accounts.

    "We have the expectation that borrowers can create for themselves regular, permanent work" and go on to become steady clients of the bank, says Robson Rocha, 46, the newly appointed interim director of Banco Popular and a Banco do Brasil employee since 1980.





    费雷拉透露,他已een scant increase in sales at his shop and that the Banco Popular commissions are minimal. But he notes other important benefits: "You add an image of service to your store, and there's the social aspect -- you are getting money out to a lot of poor people."



    BB's Banco Popular is not the only Brazilian bank pursuing low-net-worth individuals. Outposts of another public bank -- Caixa Econômico Federal -- and two private ones, Bradesco's Banco Postal and Lemon Bank (owned by Argentinean Internet entrepeneur Wenceslao Casares), are sprouting up in poor urban neighborhoods and rural towns across Brazil's vast territory. In all, the four have 31,000 minibranches; together they have opened 8 million accounts in the past two years.

    创造这些故意下市银行的推动来自卢拉。2003年,他令人厌恶的是巴西,私人或公众的所有银行必须将其2%的存款献给微校长 - 大部分延伸小额贷款。


    Banco Popular's business plan calls for losses in the initial stage but profits eventually. "We are not a social-action secretariat," emphasizes director Rocha. "We're not going to distribute money for free; we're going to lend." -- L.C.

    BB DTVM's asset growth: 'Nearly infinite'


    事实上,由于LuizInácioLulada Silva于2003年1月成为巴西的总裁,分布式Mobiliáriosevancobandborsbanco brasil已经增长了超过637亿美元。BB DTVM正在扩大其领导者的领导者。它具有21%的市场份额,而不是其最接近的竞争对手Banco Bradesco。

    “如果第二大资产经理[巴西]购买第四大,他们仍然没有联系我们,”罗奇奥奥古斯托于2003年1月被命名为BB DTVM总裁兼首席执行官。

    Rocha Augusto没有看到BB DTVM和其他巴西资产管理人员不能混淆更大的囤积物。“鉴于教育过程和资金安全的提高,有可能至少有2000万人的资金,”他争辩。“目标几乎是无限的。”BB DTVM现在拥有120万投资者。

    货币经理能够充分利用未来任何未来意外收获的良好比例。从其首席执行官开始。42岁的Rocha Augusto在圣保罗的两个顶级大学培训的经济学家是第一个领导资产经理的私营部门主管。1995年,他创立了私人银行BancoRibeirãoPreto。

    2001'02,Rocha Augusto曾担任Lula强大的财务部长Antonio Palocci,然后是RibeirãoPrevo的Mayor;该对私有化选择市政服务,包括污水系统。虽然帕洛克西最近被指控从垃圾桶拿回扣,而他是市长 - 他强烈地否认它 - 罗乔阿古斯托尚未涉及收费。

    BB DTVM在资产管理中的优势也来自Banco Do Brasil的广大分销网络,在21个国家的巴西和办事处拥有3,800个分支机构。希望在BB DTVM的共同基金之一的投资者必须将账户维持银行。一旦Banco做巴西储蓄账户持有人已准备好向资金转移,BB DTVM就可以方便地进行了飞跃,这是一家金融机构分析师丹尼尔·························图库(SãoPaulo)分析师。尽管巴西的州养老基金可以在他们喜欢的任何地方投资,但BB DTVM已经设法吸引了100亿美元的金钱。

    与普遍存在的印象相反,BB DVTM无法管理主要是俘虏政府资金,强调罗氏奥古斯托。完全85%的托管资金从私人来源发出。外国投资者委托近34亿美元。他补充说,来自市政和州政府的15%,就像任何其他资产一样在市场上遭到争斗。

    在Rocha Augusto下,BB DTVM已升级其技术并改进其风险管理和研究。

    BB DTVM的投资能力混合。6月,标准贸易差价为其最高评分,五星级,为其两项资金;四星为一个;三颗星到16颗;两星到11;和单一基金的一颗星。

    有一种趋势使得货币经理没有接受:“巴西的经典对冲基金较小,具有高度的波动性和流动性问题,”罗奇奥奥古斯托说。“我们的客户没有需求。”- L.C.