二月中旬,罗布·费克纳坐在萨克拉门托他那间没有窗户的小办公室里,电话铃响了。电话那头是美国最著名、也是最有争议的首席执行官之一,沃尔特迪斯尼公司(Walt Disney Co.)的迈克尔•艾斯纳(Michael Eisner),他在飞往明尼阿波利斯(Minneapolis)召开股东年会的途中从公司专机打来电话。
Feckner, a 47-year-old glazier just days from becoming president of the board of the California Public Employees' Retirement System, wasn't expecting the call. But he knew immediately its purpose. Eisner hoped that CalPERS would vote its 9.4 million Disney proxies in favor of his reelection to the Disney board.
A year earlier, under Feckner's predecessor, Sean Harrigan, $183 billion-in-assets CalPERS had led a group of pension funds calling on Eisner to step down as chairman and CEO. Under pressure, Disney's board in March 2004 took the chairmanship from Eisner; that September, Eisner announced that he would step down as CEO in 2006. But the media mogul had not yet committed in writing to leaving the job or the board, and that rankled Feckner.
"Nothing has changed," the CalPERS president told Eisner. "We're voting no."
Later, Feckner softened the blow. He decided not to issue a press release reporting on the proxy vote, as CalPERS had done in the past. "We could have done that. But I didn't want to say, 'Mr. Eisner, you're a jerk,'" Feckner remarks.
Low-key and unassuming, a natural consensus builder who works quietly behind the scenes, Feckner took the reins of the country's most influential pension plan at a tumultuous time. On February 16 he succeeded hard-charging, headline-creating California labor leader Harrigan, who had been ousted in December after two years in office. CalPERS, which provides retirement and health benefits to 1.4 million workers, has long been a champion of shareholder rights. But under the fiery Harrigan, the nation's biggest pension fund lost support among corporate governance advocates amid sharp criticism by corporate groups that its fights had become politicized and scattershot.
Most recently, Feckner has taken aim at American International Group, the embattled insurer under investigation by New York State Attorney General Eliot Spitzer and the Securities and Exchange Commission, among others. Feckner and Philip Angelides, the state treasurer and a powerful CalPERS trustee who will run for governor in 2006, urged the pension plan's 13-person board to fight to recoup about $240 million in stock losses that the fund has sustained from its 12.5 million-share stake in AIG. "The losses we have experienced at AIG are beyond the realm of excessive," Feckner says.
挑战AIG符合养老金计划股东积极主义的传统。不过,去年,CalPERS甚至遭到了长期支持者的抨击,他们认为庞大的养老金计划滥用了其代理权。董事会最具争议的举动发生在2004年4月,当时董事会投票要求罢免超市巨头Safeway的董事长兼首席执行官史蒂文•伯德(Steven Burd)。ThenCalPERS董事会主席哈里根是联合食品和商业工人工会的国际副主席。他作为州人事委员会的指定人员加入CalPERS,该委员会代表公务员;成员由州长任命,任期十年。批评人士指责说,这项计划是对伯德对罢工的西夫韦工人采取强硬立场的不公平报复,后者属于哈里根的工会。
"Because of Sean Harrigan the argument that shareholder activism is a labor union conspiracy is no longer irresponsible," says shareholder activist and author Robert Monks. "Harrigan has provided the atrocity story that is always going to be available to people who want to undercut responsible corporate governance."
Feckner says he wouldn't have done anything different on Safeway. In fact, he says it was he who took the lead when the board began to discuss its Safeway investment. Still, he adds: "Sean didn't help himself with his style of leadership, which people took to be abrasive and boisterous. We can deliver a strong message without the same media splash."
当费克纳努力为养老基金辩护,反对批评人士时,他可以指出该计划稳健的投资表现。自2001年12月以来,在CalPERS首席投资官MarkAnson的领导下,该计划的投资组合去年增长了13.3%。而威尔希尔协会(Wilshire Associates)追踪的资产超过10亿美元的公共养老基金的中位数为11.8%。在过去的三年里,加州计划的年平均增长率为8.1%,而中位数为7.5%。在过去的十年里,平均每年增长10.4%,与中位数相当。
加州公务员退休基金新任总统在2月了board in a 9-3 vote to oppose new defined contribution plans, vows that state workers will never give up guaranteed benefits. "Defined benefits are an insurance policy," Feckner says. "It's something people have worked for forever."
罗布·费克纳懂得努力工作。卡尔伯斯总统住在纳帕的3.5英亩土地上,俯瞰着一个峡谷和一片150英尺高的红杉林。他的外祖父在20世纪30年代末买下了这处房产,费克纳一家在20世纪60年代初搬到了那里。费克纳的父亲查克在海军担任航空母舰消防员后,在太平洋天然气与电力公司(Pacific Gas&Electric Co.)担任线员。他的母亲弗吉尼亚州(Virginia)在空军从事供应业务数年。她辞掉工作,抚养罗伯和他的弟弟斯科特,后者于1963年被收养。
费克纳长大后,他和邻居、终身朋友库尔特·亨克(Kurt Henke)是瓦莱霍市消防局的消防局长助理,他们在漫长的夏夜里清理灌木丛、砍柴,为家里取暖的炉子提供燃料。”总有工作要做。我们可以在一个冬天穿过11或12根木索,”亨克说。
费克纳在纳帕谷社区学院学习工商管理两年半,但未能毕业。作为一名学生,他兼职驾驶校车,并为一名患有肌肉萎缩症的儿童担任教育助理。费克纳随后成为德莫莱国际(DeMolay International)的青年顾问,这是一个共济会兄弟会,旨在向12至21岁的年轻人灌输道德原则。这是终身参与本组织的开始。
To give a custodian with limited literacy a chance for promotion, for example, Feckner persuaded management to have a qualifying exam read aloud. "Rob has a deep respect for people for who they are and not what they do," says Barbara Phare, who retired last year as assistant superintendent of the Napa Valley school district. Three years ago, when budget cutbacks forced a one-third cut in the number of maintenance workers, Feck-ner insisted that the district not hire nonunion employees when it could afford to replace the fired workers.
After serving as president of the Napa chapter of the CSEA, Feckner joined the association's statewide board in 1996; three years later he became the CSEA's representative on the CalPERS board. He was a quick study; by 2001 his fellow trustees had elected him head of the health and benefits committee.
But CalPERS's activism took a decidedly new turn last year when the fund demanded the ouster of Safeway CEO Burd. Because Harrigan is an official of the grocery workers' union that had been striking against Safeway since October 2003, Feckner took the lead when the board began a discussion of its investment in the stock. In December 2003, Feckner wrote a letter to Burd urging him to wrap up negotiations with workers and provide basic health care. "We feel that your corporation's blatant disregard for quality-of-life issues for your long-term employees is having a significant impact on our investment," the letter said.
加州共和党女发言人凯伦•汉雷蒂(Karen Hanretty)说:“卡尔珀斯的参与是一场明显的利益冲突。”这一切都与工会成员有关,与Safeway是否是一项好的投资关系甚微。”
"The longer the strike dragged on, the more it was costing our fund money," Feckner argues. "It you're dropping that kind of money, it's going to hurt the portfolio."
From his first days in office, Feckner avoided the gunslinger approach. Tackling the high-profile issue of proxy voting, Feckner led the board in a move to soften CalPERS's widely criticized policy of opposing corporate directors with perceived conflicts of interest. Previously, the pension fund had automatically withheld proxy votes from members of audit committees of companies that used outside auditors to perform nonauditing jobs, such as tax consulting.
However, Feckner's CalPERS is hardly defanged. The fund may still vote against corporate audit committee members in cases of "egregious behavior." The upshot: In the current proxy season, CalPERS projects that it will withhold votes from about 5 percent of directors up for reelection at the 1,940 companies in its stock portfolio, compared with 24 percent of directors in 2004.
"Last year we went too far and used a shotgun instead of focusing on a few companies," says board vice president Carlson, who served as CalPERS president from 1976 to 1985.
As Feckner fights to protect CalPERS from any future attacks by the governor, a key element of his strategy has involved changing accounting policies to reduce the volatility of state infusions into the plan. The swings in state contributions -- minimal when markets are strong, more substantial when markets are weak -- can wreak havoc with a state's finances. In April the CalPERS trustees decided to revise the fund's actuarial methods to lessen the volatility of the required contributions. Beginning in fiscal 2006, CalPERS will use an unusually long time period -- 15 years -- to calculate what accountants call the smoothed actuarial value of assets. That's a moving average that evens out the swings in market value from year to year. The new method of calculation will lower the state's contribution to CalPERS in the coming fiscal year by $185.6 million, to $2.42 billion. Previously, the pension fund had smoothed over a three-year period; most public plans use a five-year time frame, according to Rick Roeder, an actuary with Gabriel, Roeder, Smith & Co. in San Diego.
Some pension experts think that smoothing is misleading because the actuarial value of a plan's assets can be far removed from the market value. "There's some merit in using smoothing if the sole purpose is to stabilize the level of contributions," says Kenneth Buffin, president of Buffin Partners, a pension consulting firm in Sparta, New Jersey. "But it can result in a funding ratio that is greatly overstated."
在4月的会议上加州公务员退休基金受托人也wrote new accounting rules that will ensure that the smoothed actuarial value doesn't vary more than 20 percent from the plan's market value. The almost certain result of these accounting changes: a reduction in the volatility of the state's pension contributions.
ASSET ALLOCATION, WHICH IS SET BY THE BOARD with strong input from CIO Anson, is one area where Feckner sees no need for dramatic change. At the end of March, 67.9 percent of the CalPERS portfolio was invested in U.S. and foreign publicly traded equities and U.S. private equity (CalPERS is one of the country's biggest private equity investors, with holdings of $8.7 billion), 25 percent in bonds, 6.1 percent in real estate and 1 percent in cash equivalents.
Back in 2000, CalPERS shook the pension and hedge fund worlds when it proclaimed its intention to invest $1 billion in hedge funds (the investments are categorized as part of the global equity allocation). But the pension fund has moved slowly and had invested $921 million as of the end of February.
"We took our time," says Anson, noting that the fund was deliberately cautious as it set up risk management and other controls. "Now it will be easier to invest." In December, he says, CalPERS boosted its hedge fund allocation to $2 billion and may soon target it at 3 percent of the global equity allocation, or about $3.6 billion. At the moment there's no timetable for putting the money to work. "I don't think we should be rash," the CIO says.
Even as the board addresses Schwarzenegger's concerns about the volatility of contributions, Feckner remains intransigent in his opposition to any kind of public 401(k).
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警察和消防队员抱怨说,实行固定缴款计划将剥夺死亡和伤残津贴。施瓦辛格和基思·里希曼(keithrichman)是共和党议员,他们起草了一份养老金法案,州长对此表示赞同,但他们坚持认为,这从来都不是计划的一部分。但是,由民主党人、可能是2006年州长候选人的加州总检察长比尔·洛克耶(Bill Lockyer)起草的一份提案摘要的第二句话表明,这项措施将消除这些好处。施瓦辛格被迫退却。