

Omar Bin-Sulaiman是一项任务。迪拜国际金融中心总干事正在全球旅行,希望说服投资者,他在富裕的阿拉伯联合酋长国的核心闪闪发光的20亿美元复合体是银行枢纽的逻辑选择。

    Omar Bin-Sulaiman是一项任务。迪拜国际金融中心总干事正在全球旅行,希望说服投资者,他在富裕的阿拉伯联合酋长国的核心闪闪发光的20亿美元复合体是银行枢纽的逻辑选择。

    如果金融公司选择在迪拜举办 - 为了使访问更容易,旗揽子酋长国花了190亿美元的45亿美元 - Sulaiman,33岁,他们将在家里感受到:“DIFC在自己的透明下运作independent legal and regulatory system based on British law and the U.K.'s Financial Services Authority." Although the DIFC doesn't offer relocation incentives, the office/shopping/hotel city-within-a-city provides 100 percent foreign ownership rights, zero taxes and free repatriation of capital and profits. Coming to the 110-acre site in September is the Dubai International Financial Exchange, where equities, bonds, index funds and derivatives will trade, along with financial products that meet Islamic strictures. Thus far the U.S.'s Merrill Lynch and Basel-based Bank Sarasin are among the firms that have moved into the center; applications from Barclays Capital and Invesco are pending.

    “伦敦和远东之间的时区有一个空间,”Mellon Global Investments的首席执行官Jon Little说,最近将其巴林办公室转移到DIFC。“我们发现在迪拜拥有知识渊博的普通销售分析师,在该地区的客户拥有知识渊博的普通销售分析师有助于。”从DIFC官员获得许可“不是一个沉默的过程,”小说。“它让你信心他们认真对待规定。”
