将土耳其进入欧盟永远不会变得容易。两者之间的经济,政治和文化差异远远大于欧盟与任何其他加入候选人之间的差异。但会员资格的潜在利益 - 将欧洲稳定进入中东,同时将土耳其加强增长潜力纳入欧盟的昏昏欲睡的经济 - 也是超出的。
与土耳其不同,巴基斯坦没有欧盟愿望,这使得其改革议程变得更加雄心勃勃 - 而不确定。最近在巴基斯坦电信有限公司销售了一个控制股权,强调了在该国投资的潜在奖励和风险。In "Privatizing Pakistan," page 44, Contributor Eric Ellis recounts the seven-year saga of a deal that was delayed repeatedly by everything from a military coup to the collapse of the technology bubble to the September 11 attacks on the U.S. Even the sale itself is not yet a done deal, as winning bidder Emirates Telecommunications Corp. was withholding payment as this issue went to press. Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf tells Ellis he is determined to press ahead with a raft of big privatizations to sustain the country's rapid growth and combat the poverty that feeds terrorism. Investors, and Pakistanis, can only hope he succeeds.