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    Metropolitan Life Insurance Co., with $35 billion in real estate, owns stakes in skyscrapers, factories and apartments. But until recently, the New Yorkbased insurer had no presence in a U.S. property sector that is growing as surely as baby boomers are going gray: senior housing. The category, which covers everything from age-restricted, no-children-permitted condos to skilled-nursing facilities, reported $140.2 billion in revenues in 2004, compared with $86.8 billion for the U.S. lodging industry.

    In late September, MetLife agreed to invest an unspecified sum to develop as many as ten senior living communities in partnership with Sunrise Senior Living, a developer and operator in McLean, Virginia. The venture, 80 percent owned by MetLife and 20 percent by Sunrise, has five properties under contract -- two in Kansas, two in Texas and one in Arizona.

    Basic demographics -- all those aging baby boomers and their aged parents -- appealed to MetLife. The insurer was not interested, though, in the burden of managing the real estate, so it struck an alliance with Sunrise to do that. MetLife plans to build the properties, fill them with residents and dispose of the real estate at a profit in the not-too-distant future.


    Metlife是越过年龄障碍的机构投资者不断增长的队伍之一。亚博赞助欧冠随着吸引人的人口统计数据 - 美国人口普查局预计将于2030年,五分之一的美国公民将至少有65岁 - 与其他类型的房地产相比,高级住房提供有吸引力的价值。从办公室和公寓楼到酒店和仓库的每个房地产业的洪水仍然很强劲。这是推动价格更高,开展资本化率 - 净营业收入与购买价格的比率和跨部门盈利能力的关键行业措施。



    Senior housing covers a range of property types. Most age-restricted developments require residents to be at least 55 or 60. Independent-living communities, also known as congregate-care facilities, serve couples or individual retirees who live on their own but share meals and use services like housekeeping and transportation. Assisted living takes the level of services up a notch, providing staff to help residents with bathing, dressing and taking medicines. Continuing-care retirement communities (CCRCs) offer a range of living situations, so that residents, who are healthy when they move in, can avail themselves of greater assistance -- up to around-the-clock nursing home care -- as they come to need it. Then there are nursing homes and skilled-nursing facilities.

    Occupancy rates for senior housing of all sorts are on the rise. According to Marcus & Millichap Real Estate Investment Brokerage Co. of Encino, California, CCRCs averaged 93.7 percent occupancy in late 2005, compared with 88.5 percent in 2002; independent-living facilities averaged 90.5 percent, up from 87.5 percent in 2002; assisted-living facilities averaged 90.3 percent, compared with 85.5 percent in 2001; skilled-nursing facilities averaged 89.7 percent, versus 83.5 percent in 2001.

    这些数字是诱人的投资者。“肯定是一个增加的投资者池,”波士顿房地产投资顾问的主要和高级住房专家Kathy Sweeney Notes kathy sweeney,一家资本管理。“对于我正在看的每一个投资机会,我通常是众多,之前,我是少数人之一。”

    Inevitably, increased demand is driving up prices. According to Marcus & Millichap, assisted-living properties sold for an average of $101,000 per unit in late December, compared with $95,100 in 2004; independent-living facilities, which cost $90,000 per unit in 2004, rose to $98,400 in 2005; and skilled-nursing facilities were $50,200, compared with $44,600 a year ago.



    "That bookends for you where the market went and how quickly it moved," Sweeney observes. AEW focuses on independent- and assisted-living properties.

    但大量的高调交易继续关闭。9月下旬,肯塔基州的Ventas Louisville,与大多数高级住房资产的伦敦奥克斯维尔(Kentuckybased Ventas)在其组合中支付了8500万美元的六个高级社区,总共有950个来自布法罗,纽约的市场,加利福尼亚州圣巴巴拉。首都高级生活公司的达拉斯和黑石房地产顾问纽约售出了主要是独立的住宿的物业;Ventas然后租回资本高级经营。

    "Demographics favor senior housing assets and will continue to do so," says Ventas CEO Debra Cafaro. "Investors see this as an attractuve sector. We see demand increasing, and that says, 'Buy.'"

    美国退休队伍,田纳西州的扁平木材,11月初与帕萨诸塞州普定房地产投资者组成的合资企业,从马萨诸塞州沃尔瑟姆购买八楼,831个单位的投资组合,以138亿美元。弧将管理物业 - 主要是辅助生活设施,包括一些阿尔茨海默氏症的单位 - 拥有20%的冒险。剩下的80%将由第三次高级住房基金拥有,审慎自1998年以来一直在一起。

    另一个REIT,马里兰州蒂姆市欧米茄医疗保健投资者于12月支付了11550万美元的熟练护理物业和一项辅助生活设施,所有这些设施都将继续由Communicare Health Services,俄亥俄州辛辛那提运营商的附属公司经营。

    k . Hovnanian的家园,一个全国最大的homebuilders, is going after the (comparative) youth market. In December the Red Bank, New Jerseybased company announced plans for what it calls an "active adult community" consisting of 300 single-story homes in Maple Grove, Minnesota, that will be restricted to families with at least one member who is 55 or older.

    霍瓦南人并不孤单认识到退休的婴儿潮一代仍然年轻,健康,积极,并且在黄金岁月内比于“退休家园”的形象更多。一些开发商正在投资家庭和公寓,特别是该年龄组出售。另一个例子:日出和德国的HSH Nordbank正在开发他们在马里兰州贝塞斯达的“奢侈资深公寓界”中的课程,限制在60岁及以上。240单元项目将包括一个在度假村或高调公寓开发中可能期望的设施,包括SPA,表演艺术中心,健身中心和室内游泳池。还提供现场设施和资源,以服务居民的辅助生活,阿尔茨海默的护理和门诊康复。

    今天的高级住房市场是2000'02的呐喊。在那种困难的弹力期间 - 与熊市股票恰逢股票 - 该部门露出了空间。20世纪90年代末,在高级住房建设中,由低利率和随时可用的融资推动的兴起。对于一些观察员,关于高级住房的乐观情绪随后还反映了对人口统计数据的误解,基于误导的概念,数百万婴儿潮一代即将成为高级公民,当实际上这一代人(1946年出生)转变为60年。

    “当婴儿潮一代击中70 - 即当需求开始飙升图表时,”诺亚·勒尼斯说,他为谨慎管理高级住房资金。“但许多婴儿潮一代距离这一点十年,15年。当他们高估了对老年婴儿潮一代的高级住房的需求时,投资者在20世纪90年代陷入困境。”

    发展在1999年达到顶峰,当建造65,000个单位时,辅助生活设施散装。据华盛顿工业集团美国老年人住房协会,2000年新的开始急剧下降,当时建成约35,305个单位。数年的人数持续下降了数年,2001年的28,964岁和2002年的21,495人。然后他们开始慢慢上升至2003年的28,696,2004年32,184人。“这对高级住房的所有细分来说,这是一个非常具有挑战性的时期居住,“阿什瓦总裁David Schless,一项贸易协会,大会大会,提供行业研究和教育。


    AEW's Sweeney agrees: "We place heavy credence on the quality and the experience of the operator. A lot of our due diligence focuses on how operators provide services to residents."

    Some observers say the spate of new construction may now pose the greatest threat to the market. Marcus & Millichap estimates that 30,000 new senior housing units will be completed by the end of this year in the 30 largest metro areas. That's up from 2004 but still well below the 1999 peak of 65,000.

