

U.S. personal lines writers learned some valuable lessons from the four windstorms that struck Florida in 2004 – in time for the 2005 hurricane season.


    Rating agencyAM Best他们表示,他们为更好的速度而举行,而不是预计私人客运马达等行业的有利损失成本趋势。竞争对手标准差通过推出企业风险管理计划,他们将自己免受破产,并更好地管理其汇总,并收紧条款和条件来保护自己免受破产。

    因此,AM最佳说法,2005年前九个月的个人资料联合比率为97.6%,2004年同期的综合比例仅为95.7%。灾难的被保险财产损失总计为568亿美元2005, compared with $27.3 billion in 2004, according to the U.S. Insurance Services Office's Property Claims Services unit.


    “保险公司需要继续谨慎的波形的rwriting practices as rates soften and competition intensifies," said S&P in a report. AM Best agrees. It believes carriers have anticipated this and are "attempting to grow policies through improved pricing segmentation and increased advertising".

    Both agencies point out, however, that the price softening in 2006 may reduce of its own accord – particularly in coastal homeowners' business – as carriers are forced to pass increasing reinsurance costs onto insureds.



    To make matters worse, AM Best believes the reserve charges that many firms booked in the fourth quarter of 2005 for casualty business written between 1997 and 2001 may be insufficient. "AM Best believes that carriers are optimistically recognising redundancies from these accident years, given the long-tailed nature of casualty claims," the agency says in a report. The industry faces a loss reserve redundancy of about $7 billion as of Sept. 30, according to the rating agency.





    Arch Capital2005年,2005年净利润为2.57亿美元的净利润,从2004年的3.17亿美元。它在2005年第四季度净利润为1.01亿美元,从2004年同期的1.07亿美元下降。

    •德国重新纳旦汉诺威雷已将人寿保险风险转移到资本市场的1亿欧元(11900万美元)。证券化涵盖了德国和奥地利的个人单位联系的政策。交易 - 呼叫L6 - 遵循20世纪90年代末和2000年代初的五场生活交易。

    •百慕大生命重新润纳器Scottish Re2005年的净利润为1.25亿美元,2004年高出7100万美元。其第四季度净收入为5900万美元,而同期为2004年的2100万美元。


    阿斯彭保险控股made a net loss of $178 million in 2005, compared with a net profit of $195 million in 2004. It made a net profit of $30 million in the fourth quarter, down from $72 million in the same period of 2004.

    •评级机构惠誉已升级财务实力评级FM Global.来自AA的AA。原子能机构表示,升级反映了FM Global在市场上的强大竞争地位,以获得高度保护的风险,其工程和承保专业知识及其坚实的资本基础。
