


    面对电池在U.K的利润的电池的可能性。如果发现新的发展,私募股权公司可能会在其他地方占据税收。vince o'brien.,董事长英国风险投资协会那warned that, as much as the industry would like to stay local, "We need to ensure that no sudden or gratuitous changes in our tax or regulatory environment makes [private equity firms] consider moving their base of operations out of London or the U.K." That could be a big blow to the country, whose private equity industry accounts for 52% of all p.e. in Europe. According to电报,U.K.能够通过授予私募股权税,例如免除增值税的豁免,减少对持有的资产税超过两年以上的资产,从40%达到10%。但是时代变化,而U.K.据报道,对倾注于轻型监管的领域的财富不满意。暗示的威胁是针对了国库的校长戈登布朗,其中o'brien指出,该行业“没有更大的朋友财政部“希望在他宣布他的预算之前影响他之前的希望。