




    Barring any negative shocks, Asia’s export-driven growth in the first half of this year should spur domestic demand in the second half. This is likely to be particularly marked in Japan, where structural changes, improvements in the labor market and renewed corporate investment are expected to sustain recovery and restore the country’s role as an engine for pan-Asian growth. Stronger regional growth will mitigate Asia’s sensitivity to exchange rates, preparing the ground for greater tolerance for currency appreciation in the region’s economies.

    Another important factor is the rapid rise in central bank reserves, especially in China. By the end of 2005, China’s international reserves totaled US$818.9 billion, compared with Japan’s US$828 billion – a 34.3% jump for China, compared with Japan’s 0.6%. Japan and China account for 40% of global reserve assets. Recent comments by China’s State Administration for Foreign Exchange saying it would “actively explore more efficient use of our foreign exchange reserves” have been interpreted as suggesting China’s foreign reserves have surpassed the levels deemed necessary for liquidity needs.

    Surging reserves can not only prompt protectionist rhetoric in the U.S., but also impair domestic monetary policy as a tool for managing growth and price stability. Currency politics with the U.S. could heat up as mid-term elections in the U.S. approach. There have been signs that the U.S. Treasury could name China as a currency manipulator in its April report if China does not show greater accommodation in revaluing the renminbi. While appreciation in the renminbi could impair job creation, there is the danger that China could lose more jobs if an undervalued currency spurs protectionism in lucrative markets like the U.S.

    政府缩减干预措施韩国银行以及Central Bank of Chinain Taiwan led to slower rises in reserves last year. A slowdown in the pace of reserve accumulation in China would be positive for the renminbi and possibly other regional currencies.


    Apart from U.S. pressure, China has shown a willingness to pursue a more flexible currency policy as its money supply has surged to keep the currency’s exchange rate low. This could have significant repercussions for the entire Asian region since China leads the way in terms of competitive manufacturing and, by extension, currency policy. Continued appreciation in the renminbi could catalyze policy shifts across the region as other Asian economies are able to allow their currencies to appreciate without losing competitiveness.


    与此同时,日本货币政策的潜在变化可能为整个地区货币的逐步升值提供动力。作为日本中央银行gets closer to abandoning its close-to-zero interest rates, the yen could begin to rise, taking other Asian currencies higher as well.

    Rally’s Effects

    而强势货币被认为是有害的for growth and corporate profits in a globalized region such as Asia, the economic impact might be less than many investors fear. It takes a fairly significant currency move to noticeably affect exports as price elasticity is small, especially in the short run. Currency strength will help hold down inflation since in principle a stronger currency lowers import prices, dragging down the prices of other tradable goods and enabling interest rate policy to remain supportive of domestic demand in Asia, which could develop as a major theme in the years ahead. This is especially important as energy prices remain high.


    Impact of 1% Trade-Weighted Appreciation on GDP Growth



    ContributorSean Flannery是北美首席投资官State Street全球顾问. He is based in Boston.