


    手下来,香港是亚洲的统治对冲基金领导者。根据香港证券及期货委员会对该行业的第一次调查,43%的亚洲HF初创企业在镇上,竞争对手新加坡吸引了17%,日本21%和澳大利亚19%。根据调查,自2004年至118年以来,对冲基金经理的实际数量增加了一倍以上,而位于当地的公司的管理资产在同一期间飙升268%。HF管理人员也越来越大,占总手柄资产超过1亿美元的46%,高于2004年的34%。该调查还发现,只有35%的最大的HF管理人员是本地初创企业,而65% of them are affiliates of firms in the U.S., U.K. and Japan. One in five hedge funds returns 20% or more a year, while 16% end the year in negative territory, according to the SFC survey, noting that 40% of those polled did not use any leverage, while most of those that did had a leverage of under 200% of their net asset value. Hong Kong’s explosive growth, according to马丁wheatley那the chief executive of the SFC, can be traced to the fact that China, which is being flooded of funds, is in the city’s backyard, and its hedge fund user-friendliness: Hong Kong, says HedgeWorld, has a simple tax structure and good financial infrastructure – and it’s determined that regulating HFs is impractical so it has decided not to “seek to register, license or authorize private hedge funds.”
