
台湾银行推出DBV ETF作为新的私人银行工具

2006年10月23日(CENS) - 台湾金融市场最近迎来了一个名为DBV ETF的新的国际货币对冲文书,而且相当多的银行正在积极推广新产品,丰富私人银行服务池。

    2006年10月23日(CENS)——台湾金融市场最近迎来了一种新的国际货币对冲工具——DBVETF.,不少银行正在积极推广新产品,以丰富其私人银行服务池。DBV是“德意志银行货币指数价值基金”(Deutsche Bank Currency Index Value Fund)的缩写,该基金购买国库券,并用其购买利率最高的三种十国集团货币的期货,杠杆率为两倍。DBV还涉及到外汇交易、利用期货进行外汇投机、杠杆风险投资、多/空策略等概念。ETF.是“电子交易基金”的缩写吗?它允许机构投资者存钱亚博赞助欧冠ETF.这只会购买任何交易货币,并将存款存入银行。10国集团的货币包括美元、欧元、日圆、加元、瑞士法郎、英镑、澳元、新西兰元、挪威克朗和瑞典克朗。伏特分贝的ETF.根据美国美元和德意志银行货币指数价值基金委托进行操作,以编制监测仪器的指数。据信,银行为上述货币提供的利率差异是DBV的主要收入ETF.。在过去的十年中,DBV的平均利润回报率ETF.约为10%,但管理费用相对较低,因此鼓励在私人银行服务的银行购买狂欢。((JL))最佳-15 G-Mark设计将人类创造力扩展到Quincy Liang日本工业设计推广组织(Jidpo)最近宣布了1,034项,包括第50件好设计所经受认证的“最佳15”项目奖项或“G-Mark”,世界上最重要的工业设计选择系统之一。2006年4月26日至6月7日,“产品设计”,“架构和环境设计,”和“Avant-Garde Design”,“良好的设计奖2006年”为“产品设计”,“架构和环境设计”和“Avant-Garde Design”中获得了2,918个项目。世界着名的设计师如Toshiyuki Kita,Manabu Akaike和Kiyoyuki Okuyama以及70名安理会成员判断出2,918份提交,其中1,034名获得G标志认证。在认可的1,034克标志物品中,15项被选中了良好的设计奖项,从中选择了一系列奖品的获奖者,包括“通用设计”,“互动设计”和“生态设计”,“生态设计”设计金奖,“2006年大奖”。获奖者名单将于10月25日在“好的设计奖仪式”中公布。Jidpo提供的一些数据显示了设计博览会的生命力和人气:总筛选项目:2,918;获奖项目总数:1,034来自574家公司; including 854 product designs from 426 companies; 10 architecture and environment designs from 94 companies; 30 communication designs from 21companies; 49 avant-garde designs from 48 companies; and special prizes given for good designs. The Best 15 Good Design Award Winners The following is an overview of the Best 15 G-Mark winners, with only one to be chosen as the Grand Prize winner. Electric Scooter The Monpal ML200 Electric Scooter features a "smart package" concept that keeps its width similar to that of a bicycle. Using Honda's proprietary technology, this electric scooter focuses on safety and ride comfort, as well as style. Most scooters have lights halfway up the body, making it difficult for car drivers and pedestrians to judge how far away they are; the Monpal ML200 incorporates lights high and low to enhance visibility. Company: Honda Motor Co., Ltd. Rechargeable Ni-Mh Batteries The newly-developed rechargeable Ni-Mh batteries or "eneloop" is the inaugural product of Sanyo's new vision--"Think GAIA." Building on the "Think GAIA" concept of "Energy: Creating a clean-energy society," the eneloop is designed to be a "non-disposable" battery having "No ecological impact." This new battery enhances a new lifestyle without the hassle of battery disposal. Its designers have created extremely simple, clutter-free graphic designs for the battery and outer case, unique among today's rechargeable and dry cell batteries. The low self-discharge quality means this rechargeable battery is sold charged and ready for immediate use. The energy residual rate of the eneloop is about 85% if left unused for one year, a world first. Rechargeable over 1,000 times and recyclable at the end of its life, the eneloop makes a minimal dent on the ecology. Even the outer case functions as storage, so the design of the eneloop truly adheres to the concept of a "non-disposable" battery. Only recycled PET is used for the battery tube and outer case, so waste is reduced by 87%, far better than the existing products from the supplier. Company: Sanyo Electric Co. Ltd. Digital Camcorder The SC-X210L is a digital convergence-memory camcorder that features all the standard functions of a camcorder, but has a separate camera for filming outdoor activities. Company: Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd Microscopic Camera By attaching a Nikon COOLPIX digital camera to the special optical path of this stereoscopic microscope, the user can not only view objects in 3D and magnified 20 times, but also record digital images. Company: Nikon Corp. + Nikon Vision Co., Ltd. Linear Portable Microphone The PCM-D1 is a portable professional-grade microphone capable of high quality audio recording with excellent background noise reduction. Recording in the PCM digital-audio format for audio quality superior to that of CDs, the PCM-D1 uses the most advanced digital technology, a liquid crystal display and easy-to-use recording level meters. With a casing of strong but lightweight titanium, this microphone is designed as a top-end item. Company: Sony Corp. Music On-tap Pioneer's Music Tap literally allows music to be played via any household power outlet! Just as water pours out when you turn on the tap, connecting the Music Tap to an outlet anywhere in the home sends a cascade of musical signals over the power cables. Simply plug in speakers anywhere in your home to hear music from the power outlet. Company: Pioneer Corp. e-Age Radish Grater The OXO Good Grips is a Japanese-designed radish grater with creativity supplied by both scientists and computers. Configured to be user-friendly, the gently sloping broad base of the grater is comfortably held on a table for use. Featuring rubber-coated sides, the grater allows slip-free usage; while the scientifically-calculated blade position provides hitherto unknown levels of grating efficiency. With blades of acetal, the Good Grips is extremely durable; plus the grater conveniently stores upright with its own lid. Company: OXO International Mini-Car The "i" as a name for a mini-car is as innovative as its design features. This mini-vehicle is a premium small car that uses a newly-developed platform with an original rear-midship layout. The designers have minimized the tradeoffs traditionally associated with minicars in terms of design, comfortable interior space and impact safety. Featuring remarkable design innovations in a tiny space, the "i" offers futuristic and uptown styling; agile handling and a comfortable ride; as well as commendable multidirectional impact safety. Company: Mitsubishi Motors Corp. High-Speed Train The Taiwan High Speed Rail 700T Train has been developed based on the 700-series Shinkansen rolling stock. Jointly built by the Central Japan Railway Co. and West Japan Railway Co., the 700T has been designed specially for Taiwan rail travel, including criteria such as passenger, geography, climate, regulation, safety and future development. Featuring a meal car and trolley service, the 700T also has vending machines and public telephones, as well as offering in each car generous luggage storage, spacious access for wheelchair users and handicapped passengers. Company: Kawasaki Heavy Industries Ltd., Nippon Sharyo Ltd., and Hitachi Ltd. Off-the-shelf Custom-designed Homes Designer homes are usually custom-built by architects. But Tokyo House is a system that offers architect-designed homes without the hassle of starting from scratch. The designers' package enables customers to purchase a house pre-designed by architects in the same way a piece of furniture or a car is bought. To make custom-designed homes a convenient option, the company focused on an extensive range of site-related variables for land in the Tokyo area, coming up with optimal pre-designed homes by architects. Tokyo House may be the most cost-efficient way to buy a custom-built home in one of the most expensive cities in the world. Company: Commdesign Inc. Light Rail Transit In light of population decline and graying society, streetcars are once again in the spotlight as a means to combat global environmental problems. The Toyama Light Rail Toyamako Line is the first full-fledged Light Rail Transit (LRT) system in Japan. To realize the objectives of availing the benefits of LRT to everyone in Japan and creating a network comparable in quality to those in other countries, "total design" was employed, whereby the design of all kinds of objects related to the construction and operation of the system had been carefully controlled. Company: GK Sekkei Inc. Urban Design in Yokohama Aiming to create attractive urban spaces that are unique to Yokohama, the city planners adhere to the following criteria to coordinate urban developments and design public facilities. (1) Maintain a safe and comfortable environment for pedestrians. (2) Utilize the local land features and vegetation. (3) Utilize historical and cultural resources. (4) Increase the amount of open space and greenery. (5) Respect the sea, rivers and other waterfront environments. (6) Create places for people to interact and communicate. (7) Constantly seek morphological and visual beauty. Design: City of Yokohama Ecological Cafe Otemachi Cafe sets practical examples on its premises to build community spirit and promote sustainable urban development through efforts to minimize ecological impact in the redevelopment of the Otemachi, Marunouchi and Yurakucho areas of Tokyo. The cafe has subcritical water plants on display in the garden to process food scraps into biogases and lactic acid. Its counters are recycled marble salvaged from the old Shin-Marunouchi Building. And environmentally-friendly materials, such as traditional plaster, were employed in its construction to lessen environmental impact. Company: Mitsubishi Estate Co., Ltd. Hybrid Robot Suit The HAL-5 is a unique robot suit with human-assist functions, the capabilities and developments of which have been showcased at Expo 2005 in Aichi Japan. Medically, it has all the basic functions of a hybrid assistive limb; but it is mechanically flexible. Its simple and unified design allows the user to feel at ease. Furthermore, HAL-5 also features an amusing element-it is designed so that people can enjoy observing the interactions of man and machine. Company: Elm Design Co., Ltd. + Cyberdyne Inc. Willcom's 'SIM-STYLE' The SIM-STYLE utilizes W-SIM, a small, lightweight Personal Handyphone System (PHS) transmission module with an internal antenna, that can be plugged into telephones, data terminals, PDAs and similar devices. The open-ended product specifications make it easy for companies without communications expertise to develop handsets. The SIM-STYLE makes it feasible to develop products with new added-value in a short time and at low cost, through collaboration between communications and other industries. Company: Willcom lnc.

