

自迈克尔·斯坦哈特(Michael Steinhardt)于1967年进入它以来,对冲基金行业发生了很多变化,而不是全部为了善良。

    自从对冲基金行业发生了很多变化迈克尔·斯坦哈特1967年进入它,而不是为了好。而纽约的创始人Steinhardt合作伙伴不认为法规“以任何有意义的方式建设性”或最近的崩溃会带来任何重大风险,并且该行业具有“非凡的记录”,他确实对一些麻烦的趋势表示关注。在接受采访华尔街日报在线Steinhardt说,以更长的锁定时间为“大危险”。他回想起一年多的人不必锁定人们,而且比这更长的时间:“您正在划分严肃的权利”,并降低了不断增长的习俗。This new trend, he says, is “an area that might require some additional regulation, in terms of reporting results and being on a level playing field,” adding that there’s a “permissiveness” in private equity that lets some HFS to “get away with being a little less than totally truthful.” An additional problem, he says, is that those hedgies who invest in p.e. have “very little experience” and as a result “probably won’t perform too well.” Inexperience, he points out, is also dogging the industry in general as there are lot of people who “do not have a history of superior performance over a long period.” A longer track record, while not foolproof, at least “gives a reasonable amount of comfort,” and said there “were a lot of young people running hedge funds whom I wouldn’t be comfortable with.”