



邮政9/11世界在酒店业务中一直很艰难。被一二个拳击的旅行恐惧和企业成本剃须 - 顶级酒店的企业剃须人士互相击球,不得不找到巧妙的茁壮成长。


今年列表中的许多酒店(请参阅第107页)通过个人来从包装中脱颖而出 - 了解更多关于他们的客人而不是他们的客人了解自己。这些是您每天晚上每天晚上都在床头柜上出现在您的床头柜上,并且电视预设为您的前往新闻频道。(在酒店奴役没有巧合,只有详细的客人历史记录。)

如果成功依赖于对客户需求的强烈关注,酒店比以往任何时候都依赖于他们的前线员工。最佳预期客人的要求,并是当地知识的独特来源。For a sampling of what can be gleaned at some of this year’s highest-ranking hotels, we’ve turned to general managers, chefs and bartenders from Bangkok to London and asked them to let us in on the secrets of the hotels and cities they represent. We’ve found the Italian restaurant in Paris, where you can hash out a deal in privacy, and Rio’s most impressive beach. Now there’s only one thing left for you to do: Go enjoy yourself.


排名:北美第一;1号。作为美国的权力中心,这家拥有347个房间、53间套房的酒店可以看到杰斐逊纪念堂(Jefferson Memorial)和华盛顿纪念碑(Washington Monument),还有一个1万平方英尺的水疗中心。


什么是酒店预订的最佳空间?总统套件,递减。没有其他地方这样的地方。距离这座城市共有九间客房,尤其是樱花时间。淋浴是令人难以置信的奢侈品:它有八个不同的淋浴喷头,全身按摩喷嘴,并且可以容纳12 - 如果需要它。房间每晚8,000美元。如果我不是总统怎么办?我们的水首放大室($ 595)是标准的客房,而是以一定角度定位,提供更多窗户。印象很重要的最佳午餐点?宾夕法尼亚大道的首都格栅。 It’s close to the hotel and close to the Capitol. There’s a buzz about it; it’s a real power scene of congressmen and senators. Knowing phrase to slip into the conversation? Try, “What’s interesting about Washington’s buildings is that they can’t be taller than the width of the street they’re on, plus 20 feet.”Nightspot must? The Adams Morgan area, two miles from the White House in northwestern Washington. It’s basically Mardi Gras comes to Washington. And for a recovery brunch the next day? Georgia Brown’s on 15th Street is the bomb of Southern cooking. The sweet-potato pie is simply the best. Part of town that tells you the most about the city? U Street. It’s our version of Harlem. In the ’30s and ’40s, it was the place to go to, and now it’s had a real renaissance. The area between 12th and 15th Streets is the best stretch. Most overrated attraction? The Washington Monument. It’s just an observation platform. There are other places in town that offer a view without having to wait in line.



2号。130年来深受贵宾们喜爱的曼谷东方酒店(Bangkok Oriental)最近完成了一项耗资7500万美元的翻新工程,对其花园之翼豪华客房和酒店水疗中心进行了彻底检修。

内部消息:Khun Boonlert Panvivatanatana,值班经理。作为一名在东方酒店工作了9年的老将,酒店的值班经理在回到祖国泰国之前在法国学习了他的业务。

什么是酒店预订的最佳空间?东方套房。这是一间豪华的两卧室公寓,享有Chao Praya河全景。它每晚96,900泰铢(2,550美元)。在哪里,在酒店,是哈希交易的最佳地点?有三个地方:作者翼的阅览室;中国房屋的私人房间,为点心;或者在作者休息室休息室为传统的英式下午茶。并找到一生的用餐?Le Normandie,在酒店内。 Chefs come from restaurants like Le Grand Véfour in Paris, whose famous Guy Martin is consultant for Le Normandie. For Thai fine dining, Sala Rim Naam, a spot by the river with nightly entertainment that features Thai dance. It’s also within the hotel. Phrase to practice until perfect? Mai-pen-rai khrab (women replace “khrab” with “kha”), which translates as “You’re welcome,” or “Never mind.” It’s one of the most frequently used expressions by Thai people. Where would you send someone with only a day to see the sights? Visit the Vimarnmek Golden Teak Mansion, which used to be King Chulalongkorn’s residence. The design and interiors of this throne hall and residence were greatly influenced by European architecture, and inside are displays of gifts offered by royalty from all over the world. What are the most overrated Bangkok attractions? The Floating Market and the Crocodile Farm have both become commercial tourist traps. They’re quite a disappointment for most first-timers. What tourist attraction deserves its hype? The Temple of the Emerald Buddha is a must if you visit Thailand, the same as the Eiffel Tower in Paris or Big Ben in London. Some might be able to recognize it from one of the scene backdrops in The King And I. Within its compound is the magnificent Royal Palace with several Throne Halls. Most royal ceremonies are conducted there.





内部人士:Antoine Corneille,头


酒店最好的房间是哪间?我们的蜜月套房,有私人阳台,可以看到埃菲尔铁塔。(E3,950;5010美元)你会派一个只有一小时时间的人去巴黎哪里?St. Germain des Prés地区以其典型的巴黎氛围而闻名:小街道,带有露台的小cafés,时髦的商店。用一个下午呢?我会去参观巴黎最大的古董商聚集地——卢浮宫。它位于卢浮宫正前方;在室内,除了星期一每天都开放。秘密会面的最佳地点? The tiny Italian restaurant Le Stresa, in the Champs-Elysées district, for its quiet and exclusive atmosphere. For a memorable meal? The hotel’s restaurant Le Cinq, which has been awarded three Michelin stars since February 2003. And later that evening? The VIP Room on the Champs-Elysées, for the special care they put into entertaining their guests. The hostesses, dressed in black and easily recognized by their hats, help you socialize with others at the club. They make sure you don’t stay alone in your corner. Where’s the best Sunday brunch? Try the Mariage Frères on the rue du Faubourg St Honoré. They have the most incredible selection of tea. What’s your favorite drink? The Bye Bye Baby, an infusion of raspberry in vodka, mixed with sugar and lime, in which we add freshly cut fruit. It’s a natural, tangy drink with a delightful color.





内幕:Francesco Carli,Head Chef。1994年,意大利出生和训练有素的卡莉在酒店开设了克里米亚尼·克里米亚尼,并宣传了快速提升到Rio的Jet套装最受欢迎。

酒店里最好的房间是什么?我们六套顶层公寓中的一套(1950 - 2300美元),因为这里有城里最好的管家,还能看到科帕卡巴纳海滩的景色。也因为屋顶的“黑色水池”被黑色花岗岩包围。游泳池本身是用小玻璃砖砌成的。它可以俯瞰佩德拉湖Inhangá在一边,另一边是大海。给商业伙伴留下深刻印象的最佳午餐地点?Antiquarius餐厅在Rua Aristides Espínola,与它的极好的葡萄牙食物。你会派一个只有一小时时间的人去哪里参观这个城市?参观科帕卡巴纳、乌尔卡、依帕内玛和雷伯龙的海滩。在一个小亭子旁停下来喝点椰子汁。 All in an hour? If you have to choose one above all others, see Ipanema Beach. Where can you find the meal of a lifetime? Any Brazilian barbecue house, but especially Porcão Rio because of its setting at Flamengo Beach. And the quintessential Brazilian cocktail? Caipirinha, a traditional drink made with cachaça, the liquor distilled from Brazilian sugarcane. Best Sunday brunch? No doubt at all: Pergula Restaurant at the Copacabana Palace. It’s run by the much-respected chef Luiz Incao in a spot between the hotel’s Olympic-size pool and Copacabana Beach. Knowing phrase to slip into a conversation? Ask about the Flamengos this season. Flamengo is the biggest soccer team in Rio, and if a person is not a Flamengo supporter, he or she will love to say that the team is sinking.





什么是酒店预订的最佳空间?其落地窗,平面电视,iPod基座和巨大的浴室和淋浴,俯瞰海德公园的楼梯窗口,俯视窗口($ 2,800; $ 5,320)。什么是您需要给当地客户留下深刻印象的最佳午餐点?在Windows的Galvin,伦敦希尔顿园道巷,为其杰出的法国食品。它在28楼,所以你在世界之巅,拥有360度的城市。您在哪里发送客户寻找一个安静的地方讨论交易?Halkin的私人用餐室是Belgravia非常谨慎的酒店,距离Knightsbridge和切尔西商店有5分钟的步行路程。还有一个不那么安静的地方庆祝交易?市场搬运工公共房子,伦敦最好的真正的啤酒酒吧。订购Harveys Sussex最佳苦味,在苏塞克斯的啤酒厂制作。 Where’s the best place to find a memorable dinner? Nahm restaurant on Halkin Street in Belgravia. It’s the only Michelin-starred Thai restaurant in Europe. A London must that often gets overlooked? Borough Market on the weekend. I suggest sampling something from every food stand. It’s the best selection of produce in London. Most overrated tourist attraction? Madame Tussauds wax museum. At £22.99 for an adult, it is far too expensive.