

根据伏迪亚集团校长Josh Galper的一份报告,对冲基金似乎缺乏竞争,以获得借贷或贷款证券的最佳术语。

    根据管理校长的报告,对冲基金似乎缺乏竞争达到最佳术语,以获得借款或贷款证券。Josh Galper.沃迪亚集团。根据Concord,Mass.的公司的分析,“对冲基金未能收到其短组合价值的75个基点的付款。这意味着,对冲基金在5亿美元的短期投资组合中失去了约300万美元。“加勒斯解决了他所谓的证券贷款神话:

    神话1:有一个证券贷款市场为对冲基金。That may be true for prime brokers and custodians, but not so for hedge funds, says Galper, arguing that they could find better rates “by comparing lenders, understanding how rates are affecting the fund’s positions, and by seeking out alternatives that place a higher value on a particular fund's borrowing needs than the fund’s initial Prime Broker may have."

    神话2:只有主要经纪人可以借贷库存。Prime Arkers,Galper写道,主要是贷款股票业务中的中介机构。他指出,“各级的对冲基金可以借用证券来借钱,并且可以借出通过多渠道短路的长期职位。对冲基金可以呼吁经纪人存款信托公司清理数字代表基金的长期证券。“

    神话3:证券贷款台正在采取不公平的优势。证券贷款代表标准率的这一概念是“本身通常是不公平的”,珍宝说,指出这些办公桌“只能向他们的客户收取他们的客户将支付的东西。”He stresses that" it is the hedge fund’s responsibility to know what appropriate rates are for their positions and either ask for those rates or change providers."It’s easy to do that these days, he says, as funds can "run a fast daily price check on their portfolio."


