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Investors have come to rely on PerTrac software to analyze manager performance and construct hedge fund portfolios, even as some complain about its limitations.

    在1990年代早期,弗兰克·史密斯,销售和市场ting veteran who had grown up in the brokerage world, was working at a commodity trading adviser whose strategy had reached capacity. His firm decided to explore the possibility of becoming a fund of hedge funds, and Smith needed a software tool to help him choose managers, analyze their performance and blend them together to create a portfolio. At the time, most investment managers made do with Excel spreadsheets to analyze hedge fund returns and plan their portfolio allocations.

    Milt Baehr, a computer programmer who had started his own commodity trading advisory firm, was running up against the same problem. Baehr had been among the early recruits at Westboro, Massachusetts–based Data General Corp., one of the first minicomputer firms founded in the late 1960s; in the early 1970s he went on to develop the first electronic automated credit card authorization system for MasterCard.

    In 1995, Smith and Baehr, who had become friends after meeting at an investment management conference in San Diego a few years earlier, teamed up to build a software platform that could run statistical analyses of hedge fund returns and help with portfolio construction. The result was PerTrac.

    “Whether you’re a fund of funds, a private bank in Switzerland advising clients, a family office or an insurance company allocating part of a portfolio to hedge funds, if your job is to allocate a pool of assets, the steps you go through are the same,” says Smith. By 1996 he and Baehr had created Strategic Financial Solutions, a company based in Memphis, Tennessee, and Reno, Nevada, to market PerTrac to hedge fund investors.


    “PerTrac is the workhorse of data collation and standardization in the hedge fund industry,” says Barclay Leib, a senior portfolio manager at Weston Capital Management, a Westport, Connecticut–based fund-of-funds firm that oversees $1.8 billion in hedge fund allocations. “I can scan a report and quickly decide whether I have any interest in pursuing a given manager.”

    As the fund-of-funds industry has grown, so have its needs. The manager research and selection process is more intense and due diligence more cumbersome. Fund accounting and investor relations have become more rigorous. Risk management is critical. Larger funds of funds often have developers who build some of these systems in-house or assimilate external systems from technology vendors. But for many firms the systems do not interface with one another, creating inefficiencies.

    “这是关于搬进自动化世界,”波士顿研究和咨询公司纽约的纽约高级分析师Denise Valentine说。“基金的资金希望允许它们从对冲基金数据库汇总信息的工具,前端使他们能够更加积极地查找管理者并进行他们的尽职调查和后端,为其他系统提供更好的连接,这些系统可以更好地连接到允许错误的其他系统减少,向客户报告的更大速度和经理在轨道上确认。“


    “We use PerTrac to aggregate manager data from the different databases but have built our own advanced analytical tools,” he explains. “These tools attach to the PerTrac database but are far more sophisticated than anything within PerTrac itself.”

    Andrew Kinsey-Quick是伊甸园岩资本管理的高级分析师,基于伦敦的基金基金公司,占拨款资产约10亿美元,注册了类似的经验。“Pertrac是一种方便的方法,使基本的全面分析和信息从数据库中取出,”他说。他的公司通过Pertrac运行单管理评估和对等组报告,但使用单独的统计和定量分析包进行数据回归和基于其他基于因子的产品组合建模。

    Pertrac的成功 - 它的不足 - 没有被忽视。基于芝加哥的Backstop Solutions集团试图挑战Pertrac在资产配置和投资分析软件中的主导地位,通过为资金的资金提供更广泛的综合技术系统。几家欧洲技术公司,包括日内瓦的Finlab和伦敦的陶分析,引入了先进的资产配置和投资分析软件。Markdata总部位于巴黎,现在为基于风险的投资组合建设和资金资金提供先进的风险分析。


    “客户依赖Pertrac进行经理分析和报告,并在其组织中深深地根深蒂固,”德国·格尔特纳,斯坦福德科技研究和分析公司驻康涅狄格州斯坦福德技术研究和分析公司司长说SFS。“但是,这些谈话为公司来了更广泛的愿景 - 我们应该帮助他们不仅仅是绩效分析和报告。”


    The firm aiming squarely at PerTrac’s traditional customer base is Switzerland’s FinLab, whose fund research and analysis product is called PackHedge. “Some users are happy with PerTrac,” says FinLab CEO Denis de Pentheny O’Kelly. “But when you get into a zone of sophistication and professionalism, PerTrac becomes a frustrating tool to work with.” An electronics and computer engineer by training who has worked in the financial technology and telecommunications areas, O’Kelly served as chief operating officer of Telecel International, the biggest mobile phone operator in sub-Saharan Africa, in the late 1990s. He joined FinLab in 2002.


    “我们完全融入了定性和定量信息 - 从统计分析和征求票据,文件,订阅计划以及姓名和地址 - 与基金的一切以及投资基金的决策过程,”O’Kelly says. The firm also has a fund-of-funds shadow accounting module that allows users to build a balance sheet, and capture investor subscriptions and redemptions. O’Kelly declines to divulge how many clients FinLab has but says the company’s customer and revenue base more than doubled in 2005. Most of the clients are fund-of-funds groups in private banks or investment houses.

    另一家公司侵犯Pertrac的传统脚踏场是芝加哥的止回阀解决方案。这家三岁的软件公司意图从Get-Go提供一个可以解决资金基金的单一平台,这些平台可以解决资金提供多种技术需求。“该软件是创建的,以使资金资金能够管理他们的研究需求,管理他们的投资组合,处理投资组合 - 基金级会计和合作伙伴关系会计,并运行业务的整个联系关系管理方面,”Backstop Ceo Jeremie Bacon表示,“谁在高盛和公司的机构股权销售中工作,萨克斯&Co.“当您只有一片整体拼图时,您可以抑制自己的服务客户的能力。”


    虽然绩效分析和报告仍然是Pertrac的核心,但Mintz说,SFS意图在将产品扩展到其他地区时。1月份,该公司收购了伦敦的惠特克莱尼尔,为投资管理公司使用的客户关系管理软件提供投资者通信和报告。Whittaker Garnier的软件正在与Pertrac平台集成,并且两个包的客户都可以通过他们的联系人数据库访问Manager性能报告,并自动将月末报告发送给投资者。Mintz说,SFS正在关注其他收购和伙伴关系,可以帮助它满足客户不断增长的需求。

