

令人惊讶的是,根据Grant Thornton的研究,几乎没有任何中市场私募股权交易达到期望。

    令人惊讶的是,根据研究,几乎没有任何中期的私人股权交易达到预期的尊重格兰特桑顿。U.K.会计师事务所发现,由于前后缺点,所有此类交易中所有此类交易的96%都未能履行早期承诺。格兰特桑顿伙伴说大卫轴突口òò议案公认,规划预交易差和执行岗位交易较差,特别是在商业一体化或分离的情况下可能导致表现不佳。 - 他指出,这是一个可以造成重大金融痛苦的独立业务Post Admage。管理层可以提供商业计划。plans, and 12% chalked it up too Òpoorly considered acquisition strategy.Ó There was another surprising finding: While 20% of mid-market p.e. investors acquired business through the formal auction process in the past year, only 2% feel this is the best way to go about getting one; 21% said the auction process is more suited to bigger firms.