



这是创造问题,尽管高级:如何最大化所有这些流动性的回报。用于超额现金的传统网点 - 短期,低产投资,如货币市场资金,存款证书和商业纸 - 不再足够。为了捕获额外的10或20个基本要点,公司正在增加风险。

“大量的现金可以拖累收入,”西南航空公司CFO表示,“劳拉赖斯”表示“从股东返回的角度来看,毫无疑问,金钱市场价格不会这样做。”在州街全球顾问的美国现金资金负责人史蒂夫梅尔(Steve Meier)添加:“迁移到更积极的策略。”

提升退货的一个忠实方式是增加信用风险。例如,去年,咨询公司Greenwich Commerciates的说法,公司在最高质量(三元额定值)商业纸上投入了70%的现金投资组合,从2004年的75%下降。与此同时,它们会将较低质量(额定)纸张的较低增加到10%至10%。

Many companies prefer to juice returns with longer-term investments. Capital Advisors Group, a Newton, Massachusetts-based manager of $46.7 billion in cash portfolios, is adding 3 to 5 basis points to some clients' yields by buying extendable commercial paper, the maturity of which can be increased by the issuer from one month up to 13 months. "On the margin we're willing to take on liquidity risk for a little more yield," says Lance Pan, the firm's director of credit research.

但是,通过将金钱捆绑更长的持续时间,有多少公司可以提高性能的限制。这是因为产量曲线相对平坦 - 甚至在某些方面倒在某些方面 - 在过去的大部分时间里。最近,截至8月份,1个月的美国财政部票据优于两年的财政部票据。


在收益率曲线得到问题的一个方法是by investing in hybrid instruments called auction-rate securities (ARS) and variable-rate demand notes (VRDN), which feature maturities of up to 30 years but count as short-term investments because their rates are reset at weekly or monthly auctions. Statistics are scarce for VRDNs, but the ARS market has grown from $204 billion at the end of 2003 to $275 billion today, according to Deutsche Bank and the Association for Financial Professionals. Southwest is among the companies that have increased their ARS holdings of late, says CFO Wright. Texas Instruments has 40 percent of its $5 billion cash hoard in ARSs and VRDNs because their yields can beat commercial paper by 25 to 40 basis points. "If you're going to have a short-duration portfolio, that's one way to get higher yield," says TI cash manager Jack Holmes.

