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Sparx Flies As Leading Asian Hedge Fund

Asia is the fastest-growing area in hedge funds, and Sparx Asset Management has been dubbed the largest Asian hedge fund with US$5.2 billion in assets under management, according to Institutional Investor’s Alpha magazine.

    Asia is the fastest-growing area in hedge funds, andSparx Asset Managementhas been dubbed the largest Asian hedge fund with US$5.2 billion in assets under management, according to亚博赞助欧冠’sAlphamagazine. Fueling Sparx’s growth was its acquisition last month ofPMA Capital Management, the second-largest Asia-based HF with US$2 billion AUM. The runners-up areAsia Debt ManagementandWard Ferry Management(both with US$1.4 billion AUM) andPenta Investment Advisers(US$925 million). According toAlpha, all told the 25 largest HFs based in Asia managed a total of US$22.6 billion in single manager hedge funds, and that an estimated 70% of Asian hedge funds are in long-short strategies. Returns in the region have been robust, up 22.4% last year, compared with 6.5% for the Europe index and 4.9% forStandard & Poor’s 500index. Hedge funds in Japan, saysAlpha, have grown 12.6%, while the rest of Asia Pacific has grown 13.2%, compared with 7.8% in Europe and 9.5% in North America. Despite the growth, managers say Asia presents difficulties because of the various languages, currencies, laws, regulations and even investment attitudes in the various countries.
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