

Robert L. Johnson (RLJ Companies) has spent much of his career collecting firsts: first African-American-owned cable television channel, first black-owned company to list on the NYSE, first African-American billionaire.... Now he’s setting his sights on a new superlative: biggest.

Robert L. Johnson已经花了大部分职业收集第一款:第一个非洲裔美国拥有的有线电视频道,第一个列出的黑人拥有的公司New York Stock Exchange那the first African-American billionaire, the first African-American majority owner of a major sports franchise. Now他正在将他的景点放在一个新的最高级:最大的景点。

As in, the biggest African-American firm in the financial space.

Johnson’s holding company, Bethesda, Md.-basedRLJ Companies那has been aggressively expanding its footprint in financial services:RLJ开发是一家酒店投资公司,在2月份墨水买100家酒店17亿美元;the 90 Marriott hotels instantly made it one of the largest Marriott franchisees in the U.S. and quadrupled the number of hotels it owns. On March 15, RLJ received regulatory approval for its takeover of an Orlando, Fla.-based savings and loan,Metro BankJohnson plans to rechristen it theUrban Trust Bank,打开华盛顿市中心,D.C.,分公司。银行收购不仅是重要的,不仅是因为它将历史上少数人拥有的银行归还给黑人所有者,而且因为它给了RLJ一个联邦银行宪章,使公司能够在全国迅速扩大。

Last year, Johnson took RLJ another step toward building his dreamed-of financial services empire, setting up the private equity fundRLJ股票伙伴以及对冲基金基金,RLJ选择投资。And here, as with his first venture,黑色娱乐电视那Johnson is not going it alone, having signed up p.e. powerhouse凯莱尔集团as a strategic partner and minority owner of the Equity Partners business, and德意志银行’s德意志资产管理在与选择投资业务的同类角色中。约翰逊计划非常参与他越来越多的企业的各个方面。


Johnson, 60, is, of course best known for BET, which he founded in 1980 with a $500,000 loan from约翰麦纳龙那then the head of cable companyTCI。十一年后,Bet成为第一个在纽约证券交易所列出的黑人拥有公司,筹集了7200万美元。二十年后,当他卖掉它时,它使约翰逊成为亿万富翁 - 在1998年重新私下重新私人之后 -维亚康姆3亿美元。不糟糕的是在自由港长大的10个孩子,生病,谁到1972年,他正在研究国际事务Princeton University

尽管他缺乏正式的投资管理经验,但投注的奇异投资回报 - 6,000% - 是约翰逊用来说服机构投资RLJ的一个例子。


仍然,约翰逊没有进入这一点只是为了垫上自己的充足的银行账户,或者为自己建造一座空洞的纪念碑 - 他就是制作社会学点。



Johnson makes plain that he doesn’t only want to build the largest African-American-owned financial services business, he wants to build a successful one. For instance, in the fund of hedge funds, Johnson and his associates say they adopting a colorblind manager selection process. “It’s going to be run by any manager that fits our allocation strategy,” Johnson says. “We’re looking for the best fund managers.”

这种姿态可能会像逆向约翰逊所说希望做出的那一点一样袭击。Camille Charles.那a sociology professor and faculty associate director of Penn’s非洲研究中心那identifies two separate issues: the dearth of black-owned financial services corporations, and the reality that there are few African-Americans in top management in anybody’s financial services company. Johnson’s focus on the first of those issues could raise some eyebrows.

“当然,可能会有一些提单acks who are disappointed because he isn’t necessarily trying to hire more employees who are African-American,” Charles notes. “At the same time, it’s not really fair to put the weight of the black community’s woes onto a single individual.”




“In many cases, African-American businessmen and entrepreneurs don’t have access to people at the top, where they can share their ideas, as I did with John Malone,” Johnson explains. “Because of my success and high profile in business, I’ve gotten to know a number of major executives and business leaders who, when go I go to them with an idea, they’ll buy into it.”

凯莱尔合作是一个案例。约翰逊的朋友从他下注的日子里,William Kennard,谁领导了联邦通信委员会在主席下比尔·克林顿那now works as a managing director at Carlyle. What’s more, Carlyle CEODavid Rubenstein和约翰逊都在受托人的董事会Johns Hopkins University

Johnson got his entrée with Deustsche Asset Management because, well, he’s a really rich guy, and they wanted him as a client. “The Deutsche Bank people approached us through their private wealth side, wanting to manage my money,” he says. Deutsche didn’t get too far on that count, but in time, the conversations led to the fund of hedge funds.

Among his contacts and through his experiences, Johnson concluded that “many business leaders feel that there is a need and a desire to see more African-American management involved in managing the wealth of this nation.” RLJ is designed to open that avenue, “not by saying, ‘Just give me investment money to act as a fiduciary because I’m African-American,” Johnson says, but, ‘Give it to me because I am very good at what I do,’ and, by the way, you would be achieving a social objective that’s in the best interests of this nation.”

当然,达到主要目标需要组装一支顶级球队 - 另一个区域,约翰逊的名字,相当大的魅力和强大的财富已经派上用场。“我们发现人们,特别是年轻的非洲裔美国人,谁是一个好的,坚实的三分之一或四个,但它们不是一两个人。如果他们和我在这个冒险中,他们会进入一两个门。“

达芙妮·杜是约翰逊的新号码之一,带来了几十年的P.E.对RLJ股权合作伙伴的经验。首先在欧洲工作苏格兰皇家银行她回到美国商学院哈佛大学,然后加入34亿美元的P.E.公司Weston Presidio作为校长。韦斯顿六年后,她搬到了Parish Capital Advisors。不久之后,她接到了RLJ的呼叫。

最近加入了教区,Dufreesne最初是不情愿的。“团队对我来说非常重要,我加入了一个小组,这是一个非常凝聚力的,一群人。”她最终决定,“[rjl是]其中一个情况[她]不能说不。”rlj p.e.基金将专注于中型媒体,娱乐和消费公司。

“吸引力是能够从底层建造一家公司的能力,”Dufresne说,并补充说“与像鲍勃约翰逊这样的传奇企业家合作的能力”没有受伤。他的钱包都没有:dufresne愉快地注意到她的新公司 - 她担任两个管理董事之一艾伦尼科尔斯,约翰逊的旧首席财务官在赌注 - 已是“跑步”,“拥有像鲍勃一样的伴侣的好处之一,就是鲍勃[世卫组织]的伴侣有没有能够立即获取事情的资格。”


到目前为止,根据那些被指控雇用他们的人,发现那些才华横溢的非裔美国人并没有太多挑战。“人们来找我们,”解释说Derek Sealeeby.,RLJ的新行政董事总经理选择投资,“因为我们有这么高的配置文件。”

Dufreesne在P.E.中看到了同样的事情。基金。“我们正在获得少数群体或非裔美国人的人的不成比例的纲要,因为他们看到这家新公司拥有非洲裔美国人的领导者Bob Johnson,”她说。她估计,40%的申请人游泳池是少数民族群体的成员,而在她早期的停止,“它可能不到1%。”

It is that draw that Charles argues could make the biggest difference for blacks who are interested in a money-management future. “What he may be able to do is to create a pipeline,” she says, adding, “if it’s something that he’s conscious about, then there may be things in place to ensure the kind of mentoring that research suggests minority employees in those kinds of environments don’t always get.”


Saleeby在金融服务的二十年中看到了同样的事情。“当我离开大学和商学院时,在投资银行业的某些地区有很少有非洲裔美国人,”特别是企业融资,他曾工作过花旗银行史密斯巴尼潘佩伯and Spain’sBBVA.。当他离开投资银行时,他创办了一个p.e.公司和商家银行,非洲私募股权合作伙伴那before joining hedge fundRAM资本资源。他发现资产管理与投资银行在至少一个方面没有什么不同:少数非洲裔美国专业人士。


像约翰逊这样的人的纯粹可见性应该阻止RLJ在雷达下面飞行,而不仅仅是资产经理和该国的金融精英。“鲍勃约翰逊是某人who在我看来更加识别日常黑人,而不是有人喜欢Alphonse Fletcher.,“的头弗莱彻资产管理Charles教授说。“从历史上看,让非裔美国人投资的问题已经存在了一些问题;他们可能会用黑人拥有的公司觉得更舒服。“
