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Lagging Large Caps Leads To Rare Miller Losses

It may be rare, but Legg Mason’s Bill Miller has experienced net redemption in his Value Trust Fund, thanks to its heavy large-cap bias.

    It may be rare, butLegg Mason’sBill Millerhas experienced net redemption in hisValue Trust Fund, thanks to its heavy large-cap bias. This is only the third time in his tenure with the fund that Miller has registered losses, says金融时报》. Despite the fact that his $23 billion fund has outperformed the S&P500 index for 15 straight years, when compared to the broader market,FTreports, Miller’s fund fell short. In fact large caps are suffering these days -- they gained only 5.74% in the past five years compared with 50% for small caps. The reasons, according toFT, is that large-cap companies don’t attract a lot of bidders or activist investors such as hedge funds, and investors are diversifying a lot more.