
Full Disclosure

Does a lack of transparency lead to higher fees for defined contribution plans?

Who gets how much money to run defined contribution retirement plans is often as clear as mud. That’s troubling because plan sponsors are responsible for informing their employees about the costs of building their nest eggs. The lack of transparency concerns employee advocates and, increasingly, government overseers, who worry that the murkiness may conceal high fees and make it difficult for plan sponsors to comparison-shop among providers.


Now regulators are also taking an interest. The Department of Labor has three initiatives under way, the result of several years’ study. And last November, Congress asked the Government Accountability Office, its investigative arm, to examine the transparency of fees charged in retirement accounts. The first part of the GAO’s report is due by the end of this year.

“Many service providers flatly refuse to disclose their fees,” says Kevin Wiggins, an ERISA attorney with West Virginia law firm Steptoe & Johnson. He doesn’t think that providers are trying to hide anything. Rather, he says, “they simply are not willing to bend over backward to explain their fee structure.”

Some plan sponsors and their advisers snipe that as the markets have rebounded and defined contribution assets have grown in recent years, providers have made windfall returns without lowering their fees.

“资产的增长速度意味着计划产生的收入在较快的剪辑中增长得多,而不是运行计划的成本,”马修·纳比西克(The Matthew Gnabasik)争夺基于芝加哥的Blue Prairie Group是有咨询计划赞助商的几家咨询公司之一挑战和减少他们的费用。


“There is no standard fee disclosure form,” grouses Laurie Nordquist, business director of Wells Fargo & Co.’s Institutional Trust Services unit, which administers approximately $30 billion in defined-contribution-plan assets. Nordquist acknowledges that her shop is “not the lowest-cost vendor,” but she contends that Wells’s fees would appear more competitive if its rivals disclosed theirs more fully. She’s taking the tack of disclosing Wells’s fees directly to plan sponsors in the hope that her clients, both current and prospective, will demand the same of her competitors.

Wells Fargo直接分发其退休计划服务,不像许多依赖于经纪人销售网络的提供商一样,他们又作为费用收集者。井有收费组合的账单:对计划赞助商的直接罚款;每位参与者征收的费用,并指控计划赞助商或参与者;而且,最典型的资产基于资产的费用,该费用被指控参与者个人账户,以及大多数情况下直接从其余额中扣除。大多数提供商 - 任何使用经纪人 - 只能将基于资产的费用直接从参与者的余额中扣除,因此被遮挡。

Asset-based fees are routinely spelled out in the prospectuses of mutual funds. But for the retirement share classes, the dense boilerplate language can seem impenetrable and vague, while indicating a wide range of fees.

There are reasons aplenty for the range. The cost of administering retirement plans can be a shifting target, rising and falling as participants sign up for more loans, pay them off or demand other services. Meantime, the revenues generated from asset-based fees can increase steadily as accounts swell with regular contributions and investment returns.

“We try to do an annual fee review with our clients for precisely that reason,” notes Wells Fargo’s Nordquist. “We frequently end up lowering our fees or adding services. Or we might move participants from paper-based loan transactions to electronic ones that are much cheaper.”


“我们的目标日期拟议规则的通知,为5500份的变更为2006年8月,”DOL养恤金股的监管部门负责人“Notes Louis Campagna。“当然,这是遵循的标准评论,然后重写规则来反映这些评论。”

The second initiative by the DoL — to clarify that plan sponsors are responsible for making sure that fees are reasonable — is expected to be announced by year-end. And a third initiative, requiring plan sponsors to explain their plan’s fees to participants, is on the horizon. “Of the three changes, this last will have the biggest impact,” says Wells Fargo’s Nordquist.


Still, consultant Gnabasik and other industry observers think that plan sponsors’ increasing demands for transparency could drive down prices (it’s harder to overcharge once everything’s spelled out clearly), spur more competition among providers on services and lead to more consolidation among managers as margins tighten. “I’m interested in using information to draw down the costs of plans,” asserts Gnabasik.


从参与者的账户扣除投资经理,记录人员或管理员,受托人,托管人和子系统代理所产生的费用所扣除的费用。Providers take either a fully integrated approach, in which the asset manager offers the investments and most administrative services, or they depend on unbundled arrangements in which the plan provider is paid out of (or joins in) the investment manager’s fees, either through so-called revenue-sharing agreements or 12b-1 fees.

The managers of investment firms that also offer administrative services (including Fidelity Investments, T. Rowe Price Group and Vanguard Group) have typically been reluctant to disclose their intracompany payments that show the relative profitability of business units. Unbundled arrangements do not require full disclosure of payments that have been only vaguely described in prospectuses.


Congress is also setting its sights on retirement plan fees. Last November, California Democrat George Miller, the ranking minority member of the House Education and Workforce Committee, which oversees labor laws, wrote to the GAO asking for a full-scale investigation of fees: who pays them, how well they are disclosed and what can be done to improve the disclosure. In his letter Miller pointed out that both average and median 401(k) balances — $45,000 and $15,000, respectively — fall woefully short of the $1 million that would provide adequate retirement income. Miller is looking for legislative remedies to help boost those savings, with a heavy emphasis on fee disclosure.

Notes Michael Barry, president of Plan Advisory Services, which consults with plan sponsors, “The issue of 401(k) fees could take off if the House Republicans pick it up or if the Democrats take back the House this fall or if there’s some major publicity similar to the mutual fund scandals.”