


    证券交易委员会已要求联邦法院向一项欺骗退休人员的计划停止,以2200万美元欺骗退休人员。加利福尼亚州的联邦法官已经冻结了资产乔恩·詹姆斯,一个29岁的居民,州控制了几家公司。According to the SEC’s complaint, James sent invitations to a free dinner seminar on retirement planning, at which he would tell investors that they could make double-digit returns by investing their individual retirement account funds “to take advantage of the booming real estate market.” The SEC charges that James and his companies purchased no real estate in 2004 and 2005, and that the defendants used new money to pay bogus returns to existing investors. “This case reaffirms the Commission’s commitment to aggressively investigate and take prompt action against frauds targeting Americans’ retirement funds,” saidLinda Chatman Thomsen.是SEC执法部的主任。