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Hancock Launches Dream Planner Series

John Hancock Funds has launched the Dream Planner, the first in a series of planning tools for advisors which use a different approach to retirement advice.

    John Hancock Fundshas launched the Dream Planner, the first in a series of planning tools for advisors which use a different approach to retirement advice.Keith Hartstein, president and ceo, said the brochure, also available on the Web, uses a "dream" or goal approach to planning rather than focusing first on the numbers, such as the amount an investor may need for retirement. "This turns the scare tactic on its head," he said.

    The approach uses phrases such as "pick up my grandchildren from school" and "take a pottery class" to get investors to think about what they want to do in retirement. The kit also includes questions about other possibilities, including whether an investor wants to open his or her own business, continue their education or whether they want to continue working in a different capacity. Separate worksheets are included for each of these options.

    The Dream Planner is the first in the series that will be released over the next two years.Ameriprise Financiallaunched a similar planning book for its advisors last year (, 12/23/05).