


    旨在遏制内幕交易的法案草案被视为规范对冲基金的最新尝试。sen阿伦幽灵(r-penn。),谁将放弃他的主席参议院司法委员会在新的一年里,一直在流传该措施,其中许可需要对冲基金如果他们接受投资养老金,则需要对冲资金。In addition, the pension investments would force hedge funds to develop and institute ethics codes and compliance programs, and give the U.S. attorney general the authority to reward private citizens for snitching on insider-trading violators – a reward that would amount to 30% of any penalty or fine. The Specter bill is intended to foster better cooperation between the证券交易委员会司法部通过允许检察官在两家机构运行并行调查时从秒内获取信息。根据彭博新闻据悉,它收到了一份非委员会成员的法案草案副本,即在任何情况下都没有引入立法,并在任何情况下,国会只会考虑并通过它的一个版本。换句话说,它在未来委员会似乎更像是幽灵所说的希望。幽灵,巴里巴巴什,以前是秒,告诉彭博新闻那“has raised a lot of questions of regulators and this is a way of saying, ‘I want you to do a better job so here’s the arsenal.’” Barbash went on to say that this bill is “designed to be something of a legislative discussion piece.” While the purported aim of the bill is to prevent insider trading, it clearly was designed to do what the SEC couldn’t – adopt a hedge fund registration rule. The draft bill states: “Light regulation, secrecy, unregulated record keeping and limited compliance programs of hedge funds increase the difficulty of detecting and proving insider trading.” The draft cites “findings” that indicate the growing possibility of insider trading as hedge funds “increasingly are making loans, participating in private placements, and sitting on bankruptcy committees and corporate boards.” The SEC has reported that hedge funds were involved in 11% of all insider trading case filed in fiscal year 2006, and the agency expects that percentage to grow with more filings. A committee spokeswoman told彭博新闻这可能会有12月5日关于这个问题。
