

新铸造的财政部长亨利·保尔森(Henry Paulson Jr.

    是新铸造的财政部长小亨利·保尔森在树篱资金上柔软?纽约时报似乎是这样认为的。In an editorial today, the newspaper contrasts Paulson’s hedge fund comments a month ago when he stressed the importance of transparency and liquidity in the industry, to remarks he made last week in which he “devoted less than one-tenth of his speech to hedge funds”-- talk about measuring one’s words! – and “leaving the impression that he is basically satisfied with the regulatory status quo.”时代继续回忆起对冲基金与其他高级官员的评论纽约联邦储备银行证券交易委员会该论文说:“比仅承认'潜在风险'并保证更多'审议'的范围更远。”时代指出,银行“间接”监督对冲基金,它担心,由于与对冲基金的关系,更多的佣金和利润的诱惑会导致某些银行家“在鲁ck的一边犯错”。时代,,,,seemingly to agree with Paulson’s call for balanced regulation, concludes that “the challenge of striking a balance is beginning to sound like an excuse for delay,” warning that “it’s time to move the discussion beyond whether hedge funds require more regulation to how they should be regulated.”