


基本索引™在投资和学术融资世界中的一些最大名称中激起了兴趣和辩论。自从我公司普通的研究费用以来,在2004年推出了这一概念,它引起了Vanguard集团的创始人John Bogle,以及普林斯顿大学经济学教授Burton Malkiel,高效市场假设的教父和先锋委员会的前成员。In October the spirited debate spilled into the pages of this magazine when Clifford Asness, a disciple of the University of Chicago’s Eugene Fama and a founder of investment firm AQR Capital Management, argued that fundamentally based indexes are merely a repackaged version of value investing (Institutional Investor, October 2006).




1957年,当标准差和差的指数从原始的90股扩展到500时,它旨在衡量广泛股票市场的性能,即加权。财务理论提供了一个援助的人对索引者。1964年,威廉夏佩发表了资本资产定价模型,或翻盖,这占据了股票上的预期回报,仅与其非差差风险(其测试版)线性相关,并“市场清除”组合(即盖子)- 重量市场)是平均值效率。此外,有效的市场假设假设,每个资产的价格等于其真正的公允价值,每时每刻。这两种理论的外带迅速变得正统,是大多数投资者不能超越资本化加权市场组合。这一实现导致了索引资金的发展,在20世纪70年代开始慢慢慢慢地成为20世纪90年代许多大型投资者的主要投资策略。


技术泡沫只是许多可观察现象中的一种,呼吁普遍的金融理论。有一个尺寸效果:在过去的80年里,小型和中型公司已经大幅优于大型庞大的公司,尽管延长了干咒。There’s a value effect: Companies with low price-to-earnings ratios, low price-to-book-value ratios, low price-to-sales ratios and high dividend yields tend to outperform growth stocks at the other end of those spectrums (again, with extended dry spells). There’s a momentum effect: Last month’s winners tend to repeat, but winners of the past decade tend to reverse their momentum. And perhaps most importantly, cap-weighted indexes tend to substantially underperform the average stock in the self-same indexes. This result also holds true for equal-weighted and valuation-indifferent indexes, which beat their cap-weighted counterparts over extended periods, as shown in more recent studies of fundamental indexation (more on this later).


Which brings me to Ockham’s razor. William of Ockham was a 14th-century logician and friar whose principle states that “entities should not be multiplied beyond necessity.” Albert Einstein later embellished on this idea, suggesting that we should “make everything as simple as possible, but not simpler.” A more modern paraphrase is: “Keep it simple, stupid.”

考虑到这一点,如果我告诉你只是有一件事 - 称之为定价错误,或噪音 - 创造尺寸效果,值效果,长地平均值,以及CAP加权索引相对的性能拖动基于根本基于指标的估值 - 无动于衷?不会威廉威廉威廉批准了一个简单的这些效果的解释吗?我们不应该吗?

与索引正统的脱发并不容易。高效的市场假设和CAPM已经长期以来,据称是沉默批评者的理论严谨。挑战这些原则的学者对他们的职业生涯进行大量危险,因此持怀疑智慧的从业者没有从理论上得到支持,以帮助他们的案例。随着S&P 500 500的帽加权指数,由学术界批准,我们的行业得到了有效地授予了停止思考主题的许可。


Let’s further suppose that it takes time to identify and correct these errors — for stocks, it could be years or even decades — but that stocks move toward fair value most of the time. As prices move toward fair value, new surprises — and thus new errors — come along, keeping the typical magnitude of the noise steady over time. Most finance professionals, and many academics, would say that this is a far more realistic view than the tenets of the efficient markets hypothesis.


那是什么意思?这意味着大型股票中高估的股票将有点太常见,并且在长期延长的情况下会表现低得多,导致尺寸效果。高估的股票在高p / e,高p / b,高p / s和低产量股中有点普及,并且在长期运行中将低于效果,导致价值效果。高估的股票在市场的长期高势头末端将有点过于常见,并将长期延长的效果低,导致长期回报逆转和平均回归。

Finally, because cap weighting (and by extension price weighting, as with the Dow Jones industrial average) structurally links a stock’s weight in an index to its market capitalization, and hence to its pricing error, cap weighting structurally and irrevocably overweights the overvalued stocks and underweights the undervalued stocks. This creates an intrinsic performance drag relative to valuation-indifferent indexes.

Proponents of cap-weighted indexes have been well aware of these problems but have tended to dismiss them as unimportant or unavoidable. For example, Vanguard founder Bogle recently told the San Francisco Chronicle that advocates of Fundamental Indexes™ assert “fairly enough, that in a cap-weighted portfolio, half of the stocks are overvalued to a greater or lesser extent, and half are undervalued.” In response, he added, “Of course, but who really knows which half is which?”

标准普尔500指数分公司易于承认,相对于广泛经济化的化妆,CAP加权指数将加载增长股票和惩罚价值股。他们认为这一结果是合理的,因为成长股将是明天经济的更大份额,因此市场应该正确衡量未来的增长并支付它 - 在它发生之前。在这种时尚中,市场价格增长和价值股票提供相同的风险调整的回报。这意味着预计CAP加权指数的增长倾斜度不会帮助投资者的表现!

相反,从根本上基于指标的证据击败了长期击败加权的证据非常绝对。在2005年3月/ 4月的金融分析师期刊中,我的同事和我发表的研究表明,基本索引™每年在43年跨度下每年发出210个超额回报率。我公司还展示,从1990年到2006年,我们的指数在所有十个行业的所有十大行业都表现优于CAP加权标准索引。年度超额回报的幅度从100个基点到700多个基点。最后,已经显示了基于基于的过度计数股票指数,相对于从指数的1973年成立于2006年的纳斯达克综合指数增加了500多个基点。

结果在美国以外同样compelling. As detailed in the October 2005 edition of the Japan Security Analysts Journal, Nomura Securities tested the concept of Fundamental Indexes™ on all 23 countries in the developed world indexes overseen by Morgan Stanley Capital International and FTSE Group — and found that fundamentally based indexing beat cap-weighted indexes in all 23 countries since 1988, delivering an average of more than 260 basis points per year. In emerging markets our research suggests that fundamentally based indexing adds roughly 1,000 basis points of annual excess return from 1994 to 2006.


1998年,John Morrell&Associates总部位于伦敦,追求了第一因素基本加权指数。领导一支小型研究团队,大卫莫里斯根据销售,利润和账面价值的混合测试了重新重量标准普尔500指数的想法(再次)。他的团队还重新推翻了欧洲,澳大利亚和远东指数的国家,现在由MSCI Barra监督,在这些同一基本措施的情况下,每个国家的市场规模,而无需重新重量个别公司。虽然这项努力在2002年遭到困扰,但莫里斯于2003年开始了他自己的公司,称为全球财富分配,恢复了这个想法,并扩大了对FTSE全股指数的重新重量 - 所有公司真正的基本Index™的功能等同于所有公司的功能等同物。莫里斯的公司直接管理资产,但其被许可人监督超过5亿美元。

In 2002, Paul Wood pursued a similar idea focused on re-weighting the S&P 500 based on company profits. Today he subadvises a common fund and two pension strategies in this fashion, managed by Counsel Trust, a Pennsylvania investment firm, and has delivered strong results since inception. The very next year, Barclays Global Investors launched iShares Dow Jones select dividend index, an exchange-traded fund that reweights the S&P 900 on the basis of the total dividends paid by each company. This ETF was the first dividend-weighted fund and remains the largest fundamentally reweighted strategy in the world as of this writing. Through November 16, its three-year annualized total return of about 15 percent outperformed the S&P 900 by some 3 percentage points.

我很长一段思想通过销售或书籍价值而不是通过市场上限来构建指数加权公司会很有趣。During the tech bubble, when the S&P 500’s valuation multiple rose to double its long-term average, some leading investors also began advocating a new indexing paradigm, notably George Keane, president emeritus of investment manager CommonFund and a trustee of the New York Common Retirement Fund from 1985 to 2004. In 1999, Keane proposed shifting half of the New York fund’s then–$30 billion S&P 500 index portfolio into the Russell 1000 value index.

但是,鉴于前几年的盛行索引和标准普尔500指数的强劲回报,基因的提案达到了抵抗,纽约常见退休基金继续经历其股权投资组合的大幅下滑。虽然美国股票平均于2000年,主要指数下降。这一情况在2001年重复,再次在2002年的开放月份。20世纪90年代的牛市并没有真正结束 - 对于大多数公司来说 - 直到2002年春天!

鉴于这种经验,琴当提出了研究联盟公司探索更有效的索引方法。我决定接受他的挑战,这是我们工作的创世纪。2002年底和2003年初,我遇到了Keane和纽约共同退休基金受托人,然后是Tiaa-Cref的副主席和首席投资官员的头脑风暴会议。我们的研究团队由Jason Hsu领导,使用了财富500强的销售加权索引的想法,追溯到30多年。当我们发现超过200年年平均过度回报的基本要约时,我们知道我们正在进行一些非常有趣的东西。

我们的下一步是购买更深层次的数据集。We incorporated suggestions from my firm’s advisory panel and looked at sales and revenues, earnings and cash flows, dividends and book values over the 43-year period from 1962 through 2004. Although the lists of the largest companies indexed by sales and by dividends were very different, they had performance that was far more similar than either index compared with cap-weighted indexes. Every fundamental weighting we tested delivered excess return. Cap weighting was the only outlier.

It was then that we had our first “aha!” moment: The reason that fundamentally based indexes all perform similarly, while cap weighting does not, is that cap weighting inextricably links the weight of a stock holding with its pricing error, or noise. Fundamental Indexes™ do not. Equal weighting of the S&P 500 severs this link somewhat but not entirely, because the starting point is still a list of companies chosen in part on the basis of market cap. The roster of names that make it onto the radar screen of the index committee at S&P will typically exclude many medium-to-large companies trading at distressed deep-discount multiples. That bias in selecting the list of companies in the S&P 500 tacitly introduces a small link between overvaluation and weight, even in this equal-weighted index.


这使我们成为我们的第二个“啊!”时刻:基于公司规模的基本措施,选择和重量股是非常重要的。Of course, each fundamental weighting has its own shortcomings — for instance, a dividend-based index excludes more than half the publicly traded stocks in the U.S. That’s why we settled on a composite of four financial metrics that are very different measures of a company’s size: sales, cash flows, book values and dividends. If a company doesn’t pay dividends, its weighting is determined by averaging the other three factors.

到2004年中期,我们觉得我们的工作已准备好进行黄金时间。我们将一篇文章的草案分发给学术界,后来出现在2005年3月/ 4月财务分析师日记。我们在今年出现之前甚至在文章出版之前,我们吸引了我们的第一个机构客户,南达科他州退休系统。投资者的接受持续发展:今天投资于基本索引™的资产超过40亿美元。

我们的工作吸引了开始的怀疑。一些索引者,学者和从业者抱怨说,基于根本的指数不是指数。在其他批评者中,夏普,博格尔,马尔基尔和仿佛都取得了这一投诉。他们断言,市场是加权的,并建议任何不加权的索引不应被称为索引。在我们看来,这种批评是一个语义的问题。如果只有CAP加权的投资组合可以是索引,那么我一致 - 基于根本基础的索引是一个积极的策略。

也就是说,我以更务实的,较少的学术方式定义“索引”这个词:作为目标,基于规则,透明和可复制的东西 - 并且呈现出低营业额。通过这个定义,基于根本基础的指数资格。由秘密委员会选择的标准普尔500指数偏出几次数:它并不严格客观,透明或可复制。用于创建Russell索引的浮动方法也是足够秘密的,以便复制一个问题。至于相等加权的标准普尔500指数“索引”?它在所有计数上都会失败:不仅它与标准普尔500指数失败相同的测试,它也遭受了高营业额。抗议基于根本基础的指数的那些批评者不是索引,因为它没有CAP加权在同等加权指数的主题上奇怪地静音。

Are Fundamental Indexes™ just a new name for value investing, as Asness and some academics contend? They’re right and they’re wrong. Cap weighting doubles the weight of any growth stock trading at twice the market multiple and halves the weight of any value stock trading at half the market multiple. The result is a strong growth tilt, relative to the typical stock on the market. So from a cap-weighted-centric view of the world, fundamentally based indexes do have a value tilt. But for those who see no reason to structurally favor growth, fundamentally based indexing is a sensible core portfolio that weights growth companies in proportion to their current economic scale.

对价值索引的结果是惊人的。自1979年以来,拉塞尔1000价值指数击败了更广泛的拉塞尔1000点,自1979年成立以来。只有一半的价值倾斜,一半可能会期望可比的基础指数,富时rafi US 1000指数,一个由我公司开发的一系列基本索引™,在此期间增加一半的价值,或者每年勉强50个基点。相反,它比加倍返回到230个基点。自技术泡沫爆发以来的六年半更强,回报甚至更强大。在此期间,Russell 1000值指数攀升了56%,距离FTSE Rafi US 1000指数的68%的回报率远远仍然存在,尽管我们的指数包括许多增长股(甚至是几个泡沫时代的泡沫变化)。


有些人认为基于基于索引的索引,因为它的小偏见,其他人表明它的营业额太高了。小帽子是红鲱鱼。平均而言,这是非常轻微的 - 事实上,这几天,实际上有一个大量偏见。当小帽股在较高的估值倍数比大帽上的价格上涨时,如今,CAP加权指数将超重,而基于根本基础的指标,幸免于这些估值倍数,不会。关于营业额的批评也是错误的警报:2004年截至2004年截至43年期间,CAP加权在43年期间的年度营业额平均为6%,而基本索引™将综合指数平均为15%,为某些单指标的15%平均为15%方法。这是非常低的营业额和极低的营业额之间的差异。





With Fundamental Indexes™, we eliminate the disruptive effect of investor sentiment on the price of stocks — and thereby on their market caps. No longer must investors suffer a performance drag by settling for an index that inherently overweights every overvalued company and underweights every undervalued one. With due respect to the pioneers in finance theory and the cap-weighted indexers, there is a better way.