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TICKER - Dog Days Of Alpha Goldman Injects Cash To Shore Up A Big Fund But Faces A Major Drop In Performance Fees



Market turmoil slammed the firm's $6 billion-in-assets Global Equity Opportunities hedge fund, which fell 40 percent between June 30 and August 10, prompting Goldman to bail the fund out in dramatic fashion. The bigger Global Alpha fund, which held $12.5 billion at the start of the year, lost more than 14 percent in a week.

拥有两颗星的对冲基金需要大点击中,对于高盛的声誉,足够糟糕;深水深处意味着退货必须在绩效费用再次开始之前急剧提高。Goldman Sachs Asset Management,管理价值75.8亿美元的子公司,去年从此类费用中去年的收入近四分之一。




维吉尼亚雷诺兹帕克,首席投资官of Parker Global Strategies, a $500 million fund-of-hedge-funds manager in Stamford, Connecticut, predicts redemptions from Global Alpha. "Many investors have lost confidence," she says. "I wouldn't be surprised if it were the end of the program."

Goldman took the unprecedented move of injecting $2 billion of its own capital into GEO. It also persuaded outside investors, including Los Angeles entrepreneur Eli Broad, to stump up a further $1 billion.

Goldman adopted a confident stance. "This is not a rescue," Viniar told analysts. "Given the dislocation in the markets, we believe that this is a good investment opportunity for us and the other investors that we have brought in." GEO in fact rebounded the following week. Still, the fund was down 23 percent year-to-date at the end of August, according to the source; Global Alpha was down 30 percent.

But there was a good bit of PR at work too. As Broad tells II, Goldman "said they put in $2 billion and wanted additional money so the world would not think of it as a bailout."

Apart from institutions, existing investors in the fund include wealthy individuals and Goldman's own executives, raising eyebrows in some quarters about the wisdom -- and propriety -- of using shareholders' money for a bailout. Goldman won't specify how much of GEO's capital belongs to its own partners; a spokeswoman would say only that the amount is "minimal." But when asked whether top executives, including CEO Lloyd Blankfein and asset management chief Peter Kraus, had any money invested in GEO, the spokeswoman declined to comment. As for whether Goldman took any special measures to ensure proper use of shareholder money before the GEO investment, the spokeswoman replied by e-mail that "the investment was board-approved."





New investors like Broad agreed that GEO suffered from unusual events and that its long-term strategy was sound. "It was an easy decision," he says. GEO has returned 13.6 percent annually between its inception in May 2003 and June 2007.



Top executives at other investment banks have taken the fall for hedge fund losses in recent months, from former UBS CEO Peter Wuffli to former Bear Stearns president Warren Spector. It's unclear whether executives at Goldman will suffer similar fates, but some kind of restructuring looks likely. Goldman must act fast to restore its luster.