
消费者:化妆品,家用和个人护理产品- 2007

雷曼兄弟(Lehman Brothers)的劳伦•利伯曼(Lauren Lieberman)首次从第二名升至榜首,“就像一只向管理团队提出尖锐问题的牛头犬”,一位基金经理惊叹不已。











艾米Chasen低,高盛(Goldman Sachs);John Faucher表示,摩根大通;威廉•Pecoriello摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley);威廉•施密茨德意志

雷曼兄弟(Lehman Brothers)的劳伦•利伯曼(Lauren Lieberman)首次从第二名升至榜首,“就像一只向管理团队提出尖锐问题的牛头犬”,一位基金经理惊叹不已。33岁的利伯曼对Estée兰黛公司表现得很强硬。,making a strong counterconsensus argument in April, with the stock up 26.1 percent for the year, that the New York–based personal products manufacturer had weak fundamentals and did not provide a compelling long-term investment opportunity. The stock began to slip in May and by mid-September was down 1.8 percent for the year, while the sector was up 2.0 percent. Lieberman, who earned an MBA in 2001 from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, covered the sector for Credit Suisse before joining Lehman in 2005. Citi’s Wendy Nicholson slips one notch to second, but investors continue to praise “Wendy’s Weekly Write-Up” reports and her long-standing bullish call on Avon Products, first recommended in October 2005 and highlighted repeatedly since, largely on the New York– based beauty products manufacturer’s exposure to emerging markets. For the 12 months ended mid-September, the stock was up 16.9 percent. Justin Hott of Bear Stearns, who debuts in third, has “a good gut feeling for which stocks are ready to run,” one buy-sider says. In March, Hott said the time was right for Procter & Gamble Co., which he considered undervalued at $62.26. By mid-September shares of the Cincinnati-based maker of personal hygiene products had risen 8.9 percent, to $67.81.