

Goldman Sachs和Merrill Lynch推出了在没有高收费负担的情况下提供对冲基金退货的投资产品。

    比赛是在商业化合成傅对冲nds. For the past few years, academics have been discussing the possibility of replicating hedge fund performance using composites of market benchmarks. But it is the most recent research, including a paper from Massachusetts Institute of Technology finance professor Andrew Lo and Jasmina Hasanhodzic, an MIT Ph.D. candidate -- first published in Institutional Investor's sister publication, Alpha ("Attack of the Clones," June 2006) -- that has finally spurred securities firms into action.

    Goldman, Sachs & Co. and Merrill Lynch & Co. are the first two to put academic theories on hedge fund cloning to the test. Both have products that they contend can deliver hedge-fund-like returns without investments in hedge funds. Using factor models similar to those proposed by academia, their indexes analyze historical monthly hedge fund returns and use weighted baskets of market indexes to replicate them.

    高盛的绝对回报仪依赖于大约17个基准的池 - 包括与股票,商品,固定收益,信贷和波动相关的索引 - 以及其对冲基金回报的未指明,公开的第三方数据库。

    Merrill Lynch因子指数更加透明。六个总回报索引驱动模型:标准差距500,罗素2000,MSCI EAFE,MSCI新兴市场免费,美国美元指数和一个月的LIBOR。对于性能数据,美林的产品依赖于众所周知的对冲基金基准,如HFRI资金加权综合综合指数。

    史蒂文UMLAUF负责Merrill全球市场部门的新产品开发,表示,因子指数平均往往在过去的十年过去十年与对冲基金返回的相关性比90%的相关性。他说,跟踪错误 - 金额的索引偏离实际对冲基金表现 - 由于对冲基金行业已经成熟。Merrill Lynch认为,巨额资金流入对冲基金已经使市场更有效,并且是性能与模型组合之间的相关性的原因。

    要创建其克隆,Merrill使用24个月的性能数据。虽然每月索引重新平衡,但Umlauf承认该模型无法立即响应快速变化。“在真正糟糕的市场中,如过去可能,我们最初在我们胜过之前表现不佳,”伦敦商学院的前财务教授Umlauf说,在东京纽约纽约股权和衍生品工作过去14岁的伦敦商学院和伦敦。5月,美林的指数下降了2%,而HFRI复合材料下降1.5%。但是,Umlauf说美林的指数弥补了差异,然后是一些,在未来三个月内 - 尽管他不会给出细节。

    Merrill于2006年4月开始运行其指数的策略,而无需任何资金。Merrill Lynch因子指数开始四个月开始投资。umlauf将不指定到目前为止提出的程度,但表示初始投资来自与机构的私人展示,包括对冲基金,保险公司,养老基金和私人银行的资金。1月至2006年11月,因子指数增长了11.2%,波动率为4.5% - 月度回报的年化标准差。相比之下,同期HFRI增长了11.31%,波动率为4.9%。到目前为止,在全球范围内提供的产品已经提前领先于高盛。



    The rearview-mirror approach of synthetic funds troubles Margaret Gilbert, a managing director at Greenwich, Connecticutbased hedge fund research and consulting firm Greenwich Alternative Investments. "You are investing on the basis of what happened a month ago, and a sudden severe movement in the market could send you the wrong way," she says. Gilbert prefers investable indexes -- which allocate money among the actual funds that make up these indexes -- because they capture managers' decision making in real time. Investable indexes operate like low-cost funds of hedge funds. Their critics, however, argue that they often don't include top-tier managers and that the fees tend to be higher than those of synthetic funds.

    到目前为止,Merrill Lynch的经历表明,公司通过提供对冲基金克隆的公司对冲基金业务的风险可以忽略不计。因子指数中的初始投资主要是新的分配。“这将推广替代投资,”斯图涅·休斯顿,在美国,拉丁美洲和加拿大,史蒂文·休斯顿提供了史蒂文休斯顿。