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投资组合策略 - 在更美好的日子里银行

Diversified revenue streams are the key to survival.



随着投资者逃离该部门,资产下降已加入银行基金经理人的困境。基于波士顿的John Hancock区域银行基金,资产20亿美元,自2004年底以来,净流出了20%以上,尽管3月份的12个月总回报率为6.99%。同样,阿灵顿弗吉尼亚州的FBR小型盖章金融基金已经看到其资产在同一时期内近60%,尽管提供了五年的年度返回,但在6亿分钟将标准普尔5005人推出了6000倍以上的6.6亿美元。。


With interest rates potentially at or near a peak, now may be an opportune time to build positions. Lehman Brothers bank-stock analyst Jason Goldberg recently studied the sector's price performance before and after the Fed's initial interest rate cuts following the four previous cycles of rising rates. He found that the average bank stock tended to beat the market in the six-month stretches both before and after those initial rate cuts.


“投资者可以通过确定具有多元化的收入流的紧密运行的银行对冲他们的投注,”Rasara战略的创始人Raymond Stewart说,纽约州郊区纽约金钱管理公司,专门从事银行股票,负责监督2.2亿美元的机构账户。Rasara产生了五年的年度回报,超过10.5%,将标准普尔500指数分开3.8个百分点。

One of Stewart's key holdings is Columbus, Georgiabased Synovus Financial Corp., a regional bank that serves the southeastern U.S. Thanks to a high-quality loan book, its nonperforming assets and net charge-offs are about half the industry average. And its 81 percent stake in Total Systems Services, a bank transaction processor, makes it more resilient in an unfavorable interest rate climate. Noninterest revenue accounts for about 65 percent of Synovus' total revenue, versus an average of 20 to 25 percent for most banks. About half of its noninterest revenue comes from TSS.



John Hancock区域银行基金经理Lisa Welch也喜欢多元化的收入流。她的基金是一个长期的Marshall&Ilsley公司,这是一个基于密尔沃基的公司,他们的股票占她的投资组合的3%。银行正在扩展到亚利桑那州和佛罗里达等快速增长的地区。去年,非互连收入的总收入的56%。大约五分之一的利润来自Metavante公司,一个全资的数据处理子公司,M&I我计划在年底划分给股东。

自1991年以来,Welch一直在购买M&I的股票,平均成本为10.72美元;该股票最近达到48.75美元。她的年底价格目标为56美元,基于估计10%的盈利增长和低落后的价格 - 盈利比率为14.7。


尽管他的基金遭受巨大的流出,管理r David Ellison of the FBR Small Cap Financial fund has racked up five-year annualized returns of 13.70 percent by focusing on healthy regional banks that are trading at even greater discounts than M&I. He favors those with price-to-book values that are less than 2 and P/E multiples of less than 12.


The bank sector is out of favor with investors. But in this part of the market, as in others, the crowd's wisdom may be suspect.