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IID II - 首先来了





From the beginning Kaplan intended the magazine to be more than a journal for money managers, just as he intended his company to be more than simply a magazine. He anticipated, and planned for, a wide-ranging expansion of editorial coverage into just about every area of finance — from brokerage to capital markets to commercial banking — while he directed a steady push into other products and outlets.

该杂志本身是第一年的第六个问题的盈利 - 吉祥的开始。在一年内举办了第一批会议,期待250名客人参加;1,800出现。随着Kaplan最近在他的公园大道办公室的谈话中回忆起,“人们不需要MBA即可知道这是一个很好的事业。”

II迅速进入其他业务:新闻通讯,书籍,研究产品。“我们在电视上,在录像带上采访分析师,在时尚,”卡普兰亚慱体育app记得。His vision of how a publishing company could evolve by exploiting multiple media planted the seeds of today’s II, which contains a thriving conference and institute membership business, more than 17 newsletters, nine journals and a growing research sales business, as well as domestic and international editions of this magazine, and Alpha, the hedge fund magazine launched in 2003.

并非所有的企业都淘汰了。一段时间,二世在与帕尔基 - 伯尼特画廊合资的合资企业中发表了一本名为拍卖的杂志,然后与苏富比的合并。这种努力耗尽了蒸汽,但没有在卡普兰,一个艺术情人和超现实主义的认真收藏家之前,设法劝说萨尔瓦多·达利,传说中的要求苛刻,为杂志设计封面 - 免费。“我最大的商业交易,”Kaplan说。

Wheeling and dealing aside, the most important part of Kaplan’s legacy here was the emphasis he placed on editorial quality, through an uncompromising sense of integrity and independence, a commitment to thoroughness and evenhandedness and an emphasis on first-rate presentation, thanks to production standards that were ahead of their time. “My core value was to somehow combine hard-hitting journalism with a genuine sense of fairness and a clear point of view,” he says.

Under Kaplan’s direction, II did this with a zest and showmanship, a love of language and a fondness for cutting-edge graphics that was lacking in business journalism at the time. Kaplan still delights in recalling the early reviews of his brainchild. Newsweek said II was “breathless with the drama of high finance.” The Financial Times declared that II was regarded as a kind of “financial pornography.”

Kaplan包围着顶级的人才,从II的第一个编辑开始,乔治J.W.Goodman — better known to the wider world by his nom de plume, Adam Smith — and Goodman’s successor Peter Landau, a Newsweek veteran and II’s editor from 1971 to 1991. The magazine became a home for talented writers like Chris Welles, onetime business editor of Life magazine, and Cary Reich, who penned many of II’s signature cover-story profiles and went on to become the biographer of André Meyer and Nelson Rockefeller. Renowned money manager and author Peter Bernstein helped Kaplan launch the Journal of Portfolio Management.

Kaplan的方法,它需要付费的费用。在他在杂志的岁月里,II赢得了40多名主要的新闻奖。我们是第一个 - 仍然是唯一的商业或金融杂志,以赢得国家杂志报告奖;这一荣誉于1983年来了解由WORRESS关于Drysdale政府证券债券交易丑闻编写的封面故事。

第二年,卡普兰杂志卖给帽ital Cities Communications. Though he would remain involved with the magazine for ten more years, in keeping with the terms of the sale, Kaplan’s second career was already under way. To celebrate II’s 15th anniversary, in the fall of 1982, II took over New York’s Avery Fisher Hall, inviting its readers and clients, and though a neophyte with only seven months of formal training, Kaplan made his debut as a conductor, leading the American Symphony Orchestra in Mahler’s Second Symphony before an audience of 2,800. After that heady and well-received performance, invitations came in from around the world for him to conduct this difficult work.



为了纪念我们的40周年,我们决定自1967年创造以来庆祝最有影响力的财政数据的成就。我们设定了一些基础规则:我们决定只尊重生活。当然,这意味着过去几十年的一些传奇人物必须被排除在外:A.W.琼斯创建了第一个对冲基金;Enrico Cuccia,意大利金融的傀儡硕士;沃尔特·威尔斯顿,花旗银行的远见卓识;AndréMeyer,辉煌的Lazard交易制造商;Sigmund Warburg;Gus征收;Michael Von Clemm。。 . the list could go on.

然后我们必须决定我们的意思“影响”。我们得出结论,它不仅仅是积累的力量或做得很好或做得很好。我们寻找具有愿景和创造力的个人,其活动导致金融市场的严重变化。我们也赞成积极的影响;我们对警示故事不感兴趣。要确定,我们选择的一些人被丑闻刷了。我们觉得在这些案件中,他们的贡献远远超过了负面的否定。虽然Michael Milken在与美国当局在某些交易问题上持续讨价还价后,迈克尔在监狱中停留了时间,但我们得出结论,在没有他非凡的垃圾债券的情况下,无法想象现代金融世界将是旁边。

从第79页开始,我们介绍了我们选择的44个人,前美国秘书罗伯特·鲁宾到U.K.总理玛格丽特·撒切尔;从学术理论家和诺贝尔·诺贝尔威廉·夏普赛,斯科尔斯和罗伯特·默顿到欧元市场先锋Hans-JörgRudloff;来自对冲基金的Eminence George Soros到辉煌的沙特投资者王子阿尔瓦莱德宾塔。很多,还有更多。我们希望您喜欢阅读我们与他们所做的面试,以及他们中的一些人慷慨地为我们写的散文。

该套餐由助长吉姆·萨特兰撰写的编辑,求助于员工作家和编辑的协助。艺术总监Nathan Sinclair设计了外观,与照片编辑器Daniella Nilva一起使用。


在我们最近的谈话中Kaplan指出了这个时代的传递,但是,曾经是主编,很快就记录了复兴的机会:“由于机构变得更加明显的力量和个人在金融业务中消失了人格,“他观察到了。“现在,私募股权和对冲基金,您有一些令人着迷的人在商业中 - 许多新鲜的人物写作。”



Kaplan told me he was amused that although 23 years had passed since he had sold the magazine, Rubin still regarded II as Kaplan’s.


We’re doing our best here to put out a magazine that lives up to your standards and your expectations. And, as the fellow who spoke to Rubin, I can assure you that each of us is delighted to be identified as one of your reporters.