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在CEO Gary Black下,Janus Capital Group正在重新处理其投资过程,将自己重新定义为新的分销渠道,并 - 长期 - 重建其基金流动。

很少有基金经理人已经如此高,如此迅速,如此迅速,如此突然,如此突然,如Janus Capital Group。The growth-stock dynamo raked in billions in the late 1990s from delirious investors with its kick-the-tires research credo and a direct-sales strategy that reached into bedroom communities across the U.S. But assets ballooned faster than its ability to manage them: Addicted to tech stocks the firm crash-landed when the bubble burst. Then, in 2003, it got caught red-handed in the mutual fund trading scandals.

投资者fled; money flew out the door. From a peak of $330 billion in March 2000, Janus's assets plunged to $136.7 billion at the lowest ebb, in December 2002. It seemed nothing could stop the carnage. As recently as this January, seven long years, one bear market and one stirring recovery later, Janus CEO Gary Black was grousing in his cramped, glass-enclosed office at the firm's Denver headquarters, "I think our net flows will probably still be negative in 2007. We are all frustrated."

四分之一的差异是什么。心情 - 和金钱流动 - Janus再次浮现。由于强大的表现和基于广泛的市场情绪从价值到增长的广泛转变,零售投资者在截至3月31日止3月31日截止的季度将资金涌入公司的共同基金。自2001年第二季度以来首次吸引了Janus-Smared资金。尽可能多的钱。实际上,他们将缺乏近10亿美元的净流入,该公司没有与WM顾问,华盛顿共同基金单位的低收入奖学金合同,银行于1月份销往首席财务集团。


没有人比首席执行官更快乐。“我们相信我们已经转过了角落,”他热烈欢迎。“我们相信Janus Side的流动将在这里积极播放。”

It may be too soon to declare victory -- markets and investors are fickle, after all -- but Black, 47, should bask in the progress. More than anyone, he deserves credit for engineering the turnaround of this once out-of-control highflier. A renowned securities analyst turned investment executive, Black came on board in 2004 as president and chief investment officer with a mandate to restore the firm's battered performance and reverse crippling outflows. He had the pedigree and the chops: a Harvard Business School graduate fresh from Goldman Sachs Asset Management, where he had successfully run institutional and third-party sales and, after just a year, had been promoted to chief investment officer for global equities. In that role he doubled assets in GSAM's value-oriented portfolios, tripled its real estate investment trust business and achieved record flows in growth stocks.

Black首先在20世纪90年代制造了艰难,逆情的呼吁作为AllianeBernstein的一部分是Allianebernstein的一部分的一流的烟草分析师来为1990年代为自己的名字。但他最艰难的呼叫可能是是否加入Janus。事实上,在2003年,他拒绝了成为CIO的最初提议,最终成功的Then-Ceo Steven Scheid。花了六个月 - 和一个甜蜜的补偿包 - 签署他。

The hesitance of Black, who became CEO in January 2006, was understandable. Rescuing Janus was going to be a tough job, requiring him to calm disaffected investors, stanch internal squabbles and reposition the firm in a much more competitive market. The extent of the damage to Janus's reputation and business became painfully clear last year. Even though 14 of the 27 distinct mutual fund strategies in the flagship Janus Investment Fund family recorded top-quartile performances, wary investors still withdrew $9.7 billion in assets.

The powerfully built Black has grappled with the challenges at Janus by applying the drive and determination of the high school wrestler he once was. To rebuild the money manager's investment culture, he tightened risk controls and revamped the firm's compensation plan to reward analysts and portfolio managers for performance rather than asset growth. He tripled spending on research and replaced underperforming managers. He has worked tirelessly to repair Janus's stock-picking reputation by refashioning the firm as a classic growth manager, the investment style he says Janus pursued before its process and risk controls became unhinged in the late 1990s.

“我们购买高质量的公司,但我们试图以纪律的方式购买它们,”黑人说,如同该公司目前的五大职位:Procter&Gamble,以前瞻性的价格收益比例交易18.2,和雅虎,他们的p / e是39.7。

结果不言自明。在第一季度,Janus资金的资产加权占3.3%,而标准普尔500指数为0.6% - 最佳投资绩效2005年Merrill Lynch&Co.持续的14多元化,公开贸易经理。只有39%的Janus基金赢得了康乐器晨星的令人垂涎的四个或五星级评级。截至5月31日,该数字攀升至51%;在其公开交易的同龄人中,Janus仅次于T. Rowe Price Group,57%。

"Gary Black reformed Janus," says mutual fund consultant Jeffrey Keil, founder of Keil Fiduciary Strategies in Littleton, Colorado. "He has done virtually everything he had to do."

Still, performance alone won't sell funds in today's crowded marketplace. That's why Black has deemphasized direct sales and is spending millions to build from scratch a new distribution platform that targets brokers, financial advisers and other third-party sales channels. Retail sales chief Dominic Martellaro, who joined Janus from Van Kampen Investments in 2004, has recruited a battalion of 45 well-paid wholesalers. One of his first hires was a fellow Van Kampen veteran who oversees the team: Jim Yount, a crewcut former Marine Corps officer who once used sleep deprivation to train troops at the Marines Corps Air Ground Combat Center in Twentynine Palms, California. In the first quarter assets gathered through the third-party channel hit $1.1 billion -- the best quarterly inflow ever and more than half the amount that Janus brought in from intermediaries during all of last year. Janus plans to add five more salespeople this year.




"Janus used to have hard-core growth," observes Eric Branson, a financial adviser at Raymond James & Associates in St. Petersburg, Florida, who manages about $80 million for retail clients. "Now Janus is boring."

Black's approach to growth stock investing bears more than a passing resemblance to the prebubble Janus. The fundamental, bottom-up research boutique was founded by flamboyant investor Tom Bailey in 1969 with $654,000 raised from 35 individuals. In the early days Janus bought classic growth stocks like Glaxo Holdings and value plays like Waste Management. "Janus's roots were in 'growth at a reasonable price,'" says Karen Dolan, a Morningstar analyst in Chicago.

That interdisciplinary approach worked well for the first two decades. In 1984, when Bailey was managing $400 million, he sold 82 percent of the firm to Kansas City Southern Industries, a railroad operator that owned a stable of money managers, for $24 million. By 1990 assets had reached $2.2 billion. That year the flagship Janus Fund, which had returned an average annualized 19 percent and been ranked in the ninth percentile among its peers for three years, suddenly delivered flat returns, slumping into the 36th percentile. Just 3 percent of the fund's $1.48 billion in assets was invested in media, telecommunications and software companies. To boost performance Bailey steered his analysts into hard-core growth. Helen Young Hayes, a star analyst who had worked at Fred Alger Management before joining Janus in 1987, led the charge.

新的方法很棒。到1995年,当时janus基金返回29%,该公司正在管理309亿美元。1999年,Janus的十大控股九是飙升的技术,电信和互联网股。凭借恒星性能和普遍存在的Janus ADS吹捧其研究实力,资产爆炸的投资者。但该公司的两次分析师伸展太薄,以掌握DOT-COM投资的危险。研究台只是追逐表现并拥有“一种无意义的资产积累文化”,加利福尼亚州圣莫尼卡的投资咨询公司校长迈克尔·罗森(Santa Monica亚慱体育app怎么下载)是加利福尼亚州自20世纪90年代以来的,他决定不带客户Janus。

1998年,堪萨斯城南部的董事长兰登罗兰决定脱离公司的货币经理。Bailey,由他大多数员工支持,首选独自旋转Janus,并导致了反抗对该计划。但是,在2000年6月下旬,他失去了战斗:KCSI将其金融服务持有,包括Janus,进入一个名为STilwell Financion的控股公司,该公司在纽约证券交易所以39.50美元的价格购买纽约证券交易所。Janus占斯蒂威尔资产,收入和利润的约90%。

KCSI's timing couldn't have been worse. Over the next two and a half years, Stilwell's stock collapsed; in December 2002 it traded at just $14. Janus's assets plummeted, and its equity funds fell 65 percent, versus a 40 percent drop in the S&P 500 index. By then Bailey had sold Stilwell his 12 percent stake in Janus for about $1.2 billion and resigned from the firm.

Janus tapped Mark Whiston, the firm's head of retail and institutional sales, to succeed Bailey in January 2003. Whiston, who had joined the firm in 1991, persuaded the board to eliminate the holding company structure. In a reorganization Janus acquired Stilwell and started trading on the NYSE as Janus Capital Group. The money manager then absorbed its former Stilwell siblings. Two became subsidiaries: Intech, which managed $6 billion as of January 2003, and Chicago-based small-cap value manager Perkins, Wolf, McDonnell and Co., which oversaw $5 billion and became the subadviser of the Janus Small Cap Value Fund. Nelson Money Managers, a British firm that ran $1.5 billion, was sold in October 2003. And ten growth funds run by Denver-based Berger Financial Group, which oversaw $14.3 billion, were merged with existing Janus growth products. One sibling was shut down: Oakland, Californiabased Bay Isle Financial, a value manager with $1.1 billion in assets.


丑闻伤害:Janus与SEC的结算害怕投资者并引发了一股管理层的变化。十四年的退伍军人,Cio持续了一年,于2003年4月辞职。韦斯顿在一年后追求,由Scheid,Charles Schwab Corp. Veteran和前Stilwell董事会成员替换为董事长。他制作了两个关键的雇员:销售主任Martellaro和John Zimmerman,他从美国银行资本管理中加入了机构销售。

Janus已经开始求爱黑色,然后是高盛资产管理的全球股市业务的Cio,在海耶斯辞职后不久。新泽西州豪威尔的蓝领镇的电话安装男子的儿子有助于通过宾夕法尼亚大学的沃顿省沃顿学校支付,在那里他通过在A&P的架子上储存架子来获得经济学学士学位超级市场。后来他在他于1988年完成的哈佛商学院获得MBA的一名保安人员。他加入了桑福德CANDEL CANTER AT AH JOHNSON&JOHNSON的TYLENOL产品经理之后,他加入了桑福德C.。伯恩斯坦于1992年作为烟草,食品和饮料分析师。他通过在次年4月初的“Marlboro Friday”之前,在菲利普莫里斯的罕见销售评级,在昂贵的卷烟价格战后,在次年4月初的“Marlboro星期五”之前,他的菲利普莫里斯的评级很快就享有了最着名的电话。



"We focused a lot on getting people to believe in our deep value strategies," he recalls. "People thought the Internet bubble was permanent, and we were among the first to call it a bubble."

In November 2000 the firm was acquired by growth shop Alliance Capital. Tension ensued, with the Bernstein marketing team complaining about a lack of access to Alliance's growth funds. The following June -- just six months before his unit at AllianceBernstein was shut down -- Black jumped to GSAM as head of the firm's institutional and third-party sales teams in the U.S. GSAM was barely profitable but was beginning to build its adviser-sold platform to reach individual investors. It was the perfect training ground for the future Janus CEO: Black saw that investors who had been burned in the bear market would gravitate toward trusted intermediaries to pick funds for them -- and that advisers would pick GSAM mutual funds if performance was good.

“像父亲这样的人,新泽西州先生,意识到他们不能再这样做了,”黑人说。在他的前七个月内,他帮助GSAM为新资金带来了76亿美元,并将其总资产增加了18.5%,达到2001年年底为3.51亿美元,尽管新资产的重要部分较低- 赚取金钱市场基金。GSAM的机构业务在全球31亿美元中铺设,将该渠道的资产带到2.26亿美元。



2004年4月,当黑人抵达Janus时,有足够的改进空间。研究团队仍然缺乏焦点和纪律。“我们现有的分析师到处都是,”Janus研究总监James Goff说。

Black quickly began administering prescriptions. At the time, only two sector teams, covering health care and global technology, were in place. The CIO increased the number of teams to eight, as Whiston had envisioned. He added more experienced analysts, raising the head count to 35, and hired 18 new research associates to conduct sector-based research. Thanks to bigger travel budgets, Janus's stock pickers went out on the road, conducting the fundamental, bottom-up research that the firm paid lip service to during the bubble.


Not long after arriving in Denver, Black discovered that several senior Janus analysts, including Goff, were already using discounted-cash-flow models -- a traditional value investor's tool. Black mandated the use of the model in all new product launches and promoted investment professionals who were comfortable using it. The goal, he says, is to buy at a reasonable price companies that are growing their market share, increasing their returns on capital and returning excess cash to shareholders.

One of Black's first moves was to replace Blaine Rollins, manager of the $11.4 billion Janus Fund, which underperformed the Morningstar large-cap growth category in 2004 and 2005, delivering abysmal peer group rankings in the 83rd percentile and the 73rd percentile, respectively. "Blaine was a very hardworking guy who came in at 5:30 in the morning and had a great rapport with the analysts," says Black. "But he wasn't getting the job done." (Rollins, who later resigned from Janus, declined to comment.)

Janus基金的新船长David Corkins,已关闭一个良好的开端:在3月31日止了12个月,他击败了晨尾的成长类别平均3.7个百分点,将基金迁至第19百分位数2006年和4月的第7百分位数。

也有一些意想不到的营业额。2月,Janus首席财务官David Martin辞职,在加利福尼亚州圣莫尼卡的维基顾问中辞职。约翰布莱尔的总法律顾问还离开了Janus。5月1日,Janus Glob Life Sciences基金的经理Thomas Malley,以及Janus Global Technology Technology Fund的联合经理J.Bradley Slingerend,都辞职。一位前Janus分析师今年期望更多的投资人员离开,并表示营业额与对黑人的新补偿公式的不满相关。(黑色和前任高管拒绝发表评论。)

黑色也加强了风险控制。在他到达之前,Janus在同一股票中的资金集中在核心控股价值下降的情况下显着下降了大幅下降。但是,黑人继承了一个只有一个员工向投资组合管理人员提供风险控制数据的操作 - 没有程序或工作人员,以确保他们在这些信息上行事。2005年3月,他聘请了来自MFS投资管理的前定量货币经理Daniel Scherman,作为风险管理和交易总监。Scherman设立了由经常监测职位的投资组合管理人员组成的风险控制委员会。截至去年年底,31%的Janus资产在资金的前25个股票中举行,从2003年底的35%下降,1999年底危险地高55%。



黑色的诊断很简单:Janus还是太beholden to do-it-yourself individual investors despite a four-year effort to build a third-party sales channel. The imperative for improvement falls to retail sales chief Martellaro, who has borrowed heavily from the playbook of his previous employer, Van Kampen Investments. He has replicated the same aggressive sales culture, created Web-based portals to serve brokers buying funds and even set up a training service called Janus Labs, which helps them hone their sales skills in the hope that they will pick Janus products. "The ideal would be to nurture your own distribution culture," says the head of a competing mutual fund platform in Denver. "But Janus is in a hurry."




黑色也依靠广告活动来驾驶流动。首席营销官罗宾艺术表示,Janus计划今年在金融贸易出版物上花费超过1000万美元的广告。此外,报摊杂志和报纸的广告将宣传Janus基金 - 但敦促投资者致电他们的顾问。1月份,艺术招聘坎贝尔-EWALD有限公司,沃伦,密歇根州广告局,开发竞选活动。该机构为卫生计划提供商Kaiser Permanente制定了此类形象挑战的客户的广告。“很多人都准备好听到新的Janus故事,”咸菜说。


在他到达之前,没有尝试将Janus产品推向投资顾问,或者开发新产品,以满足符合界定的福利计划的风险厌恶CIO。相反,Janus只是创建了其零售资金的机构分享课程。及其体制销售队,只有七名高管,很小。现在Janus推出了产品 - 如新的长短期基金和Janus顾问Intech产品 - 持有寻求稳定,长期回报和固体风险控制的机构特别呼吁。

Janus还推出了在单个经理走出门的情况下,没有风险的资金,这些资金不会有表现融合。该公司的第一个团队管理基金是Janus Global Research Fund,由Goff监督,并于2005年初推出。该机构可以通过单独账户访问的战略,是部门中立,并为分析师团队的最佳思维提供了Entrée。凭借125股全球增长股 - 以及十大持股,只占资产的15% - 它是高度多元化的。在3月31日止的12个月内,该基金上涨了16%,并在同行中排名第二百分位数。“我们的风险调整后的回报非常出色,”盖夫夸耀。(然而,(类似的国内美国研究基金,也没有表现得很好。)

Janus has intensified its institutional sales push. Zimmerman, who leads the effort, has more than doubled, to 17, the number of salespeople targeting defined benefit and defined contribution plans. One of his most important hires was a new head of consultant relations, Carolyn Patton, who joined in 2005 from Morgan Stanley in London.


一些投资顾问认为Janus-branded offerings still aren't differentiated enough. "There's nothing inherently wrong with the way Janus's products are designed," says Carl Hess, Americas practice director at Watson Wyatt Investment Consulting in New York. "It's just that there are many other choices out there."

固定缴款赢来得更快market, where plan sponsors are more singularly focused on returns. A case in point is the Ohio Public Employees Deferred Compensation Program, which had removed the Janus Fund and the Janus Twenty Fund from its 457 plan following the 2003 market-timing scandal. But last year, on the advice of consultant Ennis Knupp + Associates, the $6.7 billion-in-assets plan reinstated the Janus Twenty Fund, says R. Keith Overly, the program's executive director.

为了提供更多皈依者 - 并维持Janus资产流动的改善 - 公司有更多的工作要做其新的分销渠道。但毫无疑问,经过多年的动荡,它是朝着正确的方向前进。成功“只是在一夜之间发生,”黑人说,他们相信强烈的表现和纪律的投资过程将产生持续改进。“这是我在伯尔尼斯坦和高盛学到的一件事,”他补充道,“建立一个企业需要时间。”